Prince Harry and Meghan Markle news update: Suits star expected to do THIS upon engagement

PRINCE HARRY and Meghan Markle have royal fans on edge as to whether or not they will be engaged by the end of this year. But if the young prince does get down on one knee, and the Suits star becomes one of the family, how will she be expected to act?

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Meghan Markle will have to adopt the "Duchess Slant" as Royalty

  • Prince Harry, 33, and Meghan Markle, 36, have been dating well over a year now. 
  • Engagement rumours are rife and sources have revealed the American actress may be about to quite Suits and move to the UK. 
  • If the couple do get married, Meghan will have to adhere to royal etiquette. 

Sunday 12 November, 2017: 4:39pm 

How did the pair’s blossoming romance begin? 

In a documentary that aired at the end of October, royal expert Katie Nicholl reveals the smitten prince described the Suits star as his “ideal girl” two years before they met last year

She said: “He had a crush on Rachel Zane two years before he met Meghan and the reason I know is because I was having drinks with one of his friends.

“She told me she’d been on a night out with Prince Harry. He was single at the time, so she said, ‘Harry, who’s your ideal girl?’ And he said ‘Meghan Markle from Suits.’”

It is believed Harry organised meeting the Suits star via their mutual friend Markus Anderson. 

Sunday 12 November, 2017: 1:54pm 

While Harry and Meghan are yet to get engaged, The Suits star’s character Rachel Zane is finally married. 

After season five saw the cancelled of her wedding to Mike Ross, played by Patrick J. Adams, the onscreen couple finally exchanged vows in season seven. 

The wedding was shot during an overnight shoot at the King Eddy in Toronto, according to Hello. 

Sunday 12 November, 2017: 12:40pm 

Harry reportedly treats Meghan to sweets and silly toys from a corner shop near Kensington palace. 

According to the Daily Mail, Harry is a regular at the shop and his shopping list include Reese’s Pieces, coconut water and curry source. 

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle news GETTY

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been dating well over a year now

Professional etiquette coach Meika Meier has stressed the importance of good grooming and regular blow-dries.

Sunday 12 November, 2017: 10:34am 

In a shock poll of 2,500 UK adults, Meghan Markle emerged as one of the least popular royal figures

Polling firm Opinium Research asked the question between Tuesday and Thursday last week. 

The Suits star was given an approval rating of just 19 per cent. 

It is a slight improvement on her standing in April, when just 16 per cent of those questioned gave a favourable response.

She is below Camilla the Duchess of Cornwall, who has a 20 per cent approval rating, and Sophie, Countess of Wessex with 22 per cent.

Meghan stands in stark contrast to her boyfriend, Prince Harry, who is Britain’s most popular royal, enjoying the support of almost three-quarters of the British public.

Saturday 11 November, 2017: 5pm 

One of the things Meghan is renowned for is her flawless style. 

Her wardrobe on Suits is the envy of many and her choice of outfits off screen perfectly compliment her stunning physique. 

But there is one item of clothing the actress used to we are regularly which she appears to have ditched. 

According to Cosmopolitan, Prince Harry’s beau has stopped wearing leg-baring shorts and has instead opted for more modest ensembles. 

Saturday 11 November, 2017: 3:33pm 

While Meghan and Harry’s relationship has been catapulted unto the limelight, the Suits star likes to keep her everyday life, including her beauty routine, low-key. 

Meghan does not opt for pricey serums when it comes to moisturisers. 

Her favourite product in fact is Nivea’s Q10 Plus Skin Firming Body Lotion. 

In an interview with BeautyBanter she said: “I use this religiously. It’s honestly my favourite lotion on the market, it’s so affordable and makes my skin look and feel amazing. 

“I would buy a case of this at a time if I couldn’t find it.” 

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle newsGETTY

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle made their first public appearance together at the Invictus Games

Saturday 11 November, 2017: 1:41pm 

Fans of the pair expecting an engagement announcement this month may have to wait a little longer. 

A source with “excellent contacts in the palace” told the Daily Beast Harry would be holding off on popping the question until the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton gives birth. 

Kate and Prince William announced they were having their third child together in September and the baby is due in April. 

The source said: “There won’t be any announcement until at least after Kate has had her baby in April.” 

They added that even after that, the couple may hold off on the wedding. 

According to former royal chef Darren McGrady Meghan and harry are waiting for another big event in royal calendar. 

He told Hello: “November is the Queen and Prince Philip’s platinum wedding anniversary so they can’t trump that. 

“Whereas December they can announce the engagement and they’d be free to marry next year; I think that’s what’s going to happen.” 

Saturday 11 November, 2017: 12:07pm 

While the couple’s engagement is up in the air, the couple have become more public in their displays of affection. 

On Thursday, Harry laid a wooden cross at Westminster Abbey’s Field of Remembrance ahead of Armistice Day. 

Speaking with Matt Weston, a bomb disposal expert in Afghanistan, Harry joked about bring his American actress girlfriend to the event

Matt, 28, said: “I took the mickey and asked where his missus as and he said she wasn’t here. 

“I asked if she would come next time because she’s awesome, and he said he couldn’t hide her anywhere, but I said you wouldn’t have to hide her. 

“I would love to meet her - I think she’s brilliant.” 

Professional etiquette coach Meika Meier has stressed the importance of good grooming and regular blow-dries.

The actress will also need to adopt a dress style that suits her. She might want to copy the stylish example set by the Duchess of Cambridge.

In addition to looking their best, members of the royal family have to carry themselves differently to ordinary members of the public.

Meghan will need to perfect sitting tall, maintaining a good posture and not letting her back touch her chair when she is sitting down.

She must never cross her legs, especially when getting in and out of cars, and needs to keep her hands folded in her lap at all times.

If Meghan marries Prince Harry, she might want to adopt the leg slant, which was perfected by Diana, Princess of Wales and Kate Middleton.

Another important skill to master is the regal art of eating.

Meghan will need to use her fork in her left hand and holding the handle of the tea cup at three o’clock.

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