Prince Harry and Meghan Markle news latest update: Couple to be engaged after THIS event?

PRINCE HARRY and Meghan Markle could be waiting for a significant event to pass before they get engaged, according to a royal insider.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Meghan Markle will have to adopt the "Duchess Slant" as Royalty

  • Prince Harry, 33, and Meghan Markle, 36, could be holding off getting engaged with a number of big events coming up in the royal calendar. 
  • The couple appear to be getting more and more serious by the day, with rumours the American actress is about to quit US legal drama Suits and move to the UK. 
  • Harry could get down on one knee in December. 

Wednesday 8 November, 2017: 11:58am 

One of the things Meghan is renowned for is her flawless style. 

Her wardrobe on Suits is the envy of many and her choice of outfits off screen perfectly compliment her stunning physique. 

But there is one item of clothing the actress used to we are regularly which she appears to have ditched. 

According to Cosmopolitan, Prince Harry’s beau has stopped wearing leg-baring shorts and has instead opted for more modest ensembles. 

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle news GETTY

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been dating over a year now

There won’t be any announcement until at least after Kate has had her baby in April.

Wednesday 8 November, 2017: 11:07am 

Meghan Markle is a keen advocate for women’s rights, so perhaps she will campaign for these issues if she marries Prince Harry.

She made an impassioned speech at the UN on gender inequality in the home, back in 2015 before she met the young Prince. 

She said: “This commercial came on with the tag line for this dishwashing liquid - and the tagline said, ‘Women across America are fighting greasy pots and pans’. 

“Two boys from my class said, ‘Yeah that’s where women the kitchen’.

“Finally I wrote to the soap manufacturer and few weeks went by and to my surprise I received letters of encouragement from Hilary Clinton.”

Meghan claims Proctor and Gamble changed the advert thanks to her letter.

Wednesday 8 November, 2017: 9:39am 

Meghan reportedly quit Suits in October, proving to many she is thinking about getting more serious with Harry.

A source told the Daily Star: “Meghan knows she can’t really act at the same time as being a princess and is happy to make this career sacrifice.”

Now sources are claiming Meghan is planning on overhauling her life and refocusing on a very different career when she is in London.

A source told the Daily Mail: “It was always her intention to focus on her humanitarian work, and her relationship with Harry has merely accelerated things.”

The paper also claimed Meghan plans to rent an office in London where she will carry out work for her own foundation.


Prince Harry, 33, and Meghan Markle, 36, have fans waiting on tenterhooks as to if and when they will get engaged. 

Many have predicted the young prince to get down on one before the end of the year and sources close to the couple have revealed the same. 

The couple appear to be getting more and more serious by the day, with rumours Meghan is about to quit suits after filming for season seven finishes. 

It has also been claimed the Toronto-based actress has plans to move to the UK which will mean she will be closer to Harry. 

But fans of the pair expecting an engagement announcement this month may have to wait a little longer. 

A source with “excellent contacts in the palace” told the Daily Beast Harry would be holding off on popping the question until the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton gives birth. 

Kate and Prince William announced they were having their third child together in September and the baby is due in April. 

The source said: “There won’t be any announcement until at least after Kate has had her baby in April.” 

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle newsGETTY

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle could be engaged by December

They added that even after that, the couple may hold off on the wedding. 

According to former royal chef Darren McGrady Meghan and harry are waiting for another big event in royal calendar. 

He told Hello: “November is the Queen and Prince Philip’s platinum wedding anniversary so they can’t trump that. 

“Whereas December they can announce the engagement and they’d be free to marry next year; I think that’s what’s going to happen.” 

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