Dry January: Why being in a relationship is the REAL reason you can’t stop drinking

DRY JANUARY is a challenge taken on by thousands each year in an attempt to stop drinking. But new research has suggested that having a partner can sabotage attempts to give up the booze.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Drinkers struggle to reduce their alcohol intake due to their partner suggesting one more drink or encouraging them on nights out, a poll found. 

Among 2,000 couples whereat least one drinks more than the recommended 14 units a week, 26 per of women revealed they were concerned about their partner’s health, while it was 21 per cent for men. 

Women (29 per cent) were more likely than men (16 per cent) to say they would drink less if it was not for their partner’s drinking habits.

A third of men (33 per cent) also liked to suggest one more drink if their partner was thinking of stopping. 

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Dry January: Relationships are the REAL reason you can’t stop drinking

Only 15 per cent of women revealed they were guilty of this. 

Just more than half (57 per cent) of all people said they would drink less to help their partner if they were trying to cut down. 

According to industry-funded charity Drinkaware, which carried out the research, around 40 per cent of men and a fifth of women drink more than 14 units of alcohol a week. 

A third of those surveyed (33 per cent) said alcohol being readily available in the home was an issue when it came to cutting down, while 40 per cent of those whose partner wanted to drink less thought the attempt would fail because stress would drive them to drink. 

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Dry January: A third of men like to suggest one more drink to their partner when they want to stop

Rev Kate Bottley, from the TV programme Gogglebox, is supporting a new Drinkaware campaign. 

She was reported by Huffington Post UK saying: “It’s quite sad to see that stress can really undo those good intentions, but we are a nation who bottle up our feelings, it would be far healthier to talk through your bad day rather than turn to a glass of wine or a beer.”

Drinkaware’s chief executive, Elaine Hindal, added: “We know that couples who are planning a health regime together fare better when they really support each other. 

“It is sometimes difficult to stay on track with healthy plans but we have developed free tools such as the self-assessment and our Drinkaware app which can really help make a difference, especially if you’re trying to make up for the extra pounds gained over the festive period.” 

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Dry January: 57 per cent of people said they would drink less if their partners wanted to cut down

For those attempting Dry January, but struggling to go cold turkey, there are some easy alternatives and small hints and tips from Drinkaware.co.uk which could offer a helping hand. 

Having an alcohol-free night out could be one way to kick your over-drinking habit to the curb. 

Also, try having bottles beer or halves instead of pints and choosing a smaller glass for your wine. Buying spritzers or shandies will also help keep that unit count down. 

Is Dry January worth it? Dr Chris discussed how to stop drinking on This Morning. 

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