Dry January: How to get through the beginning of the New Year booze-FREE

DRY JANUARY has become a New Year tradition which sees thousands of people give up drinking for an entire month following a boozy festive season - but what’s the best way to deal with the pressure to drink in social situations?

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

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Dry January: How to get through the month

After overindulging on prosecco and mulled wine, many set themselves the challenge of giving up booze for January in an attempt to save money, to improve their health and lose weight. 

The campaign, headed by Alcohol Concern, sees 79 per cent of participants save money, 62 percent have better sleep and more energy and 49 per cent who lose weight. 

Research from the Royal Free Hospital has also revealed that a month off drinking improves concentration, blood sugar levels, blood pressure and is good for the liver. 

But where do you start if you want to give up drinking?

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Dry January: 79 per cent of participants save money

For those who are unsure they can manage a whole month, Shona Wilkinson, a nutritionist at Superfooduk.com, recommends giving yourself constant motivation. 

“Another small change you could make at this time, is to all your passwords. 

“Try a powerful new reminder system whereby you have to type ‘Gosober15’ or ‘Idontdrink’ each time you log in to your social media, email or workspace. 

“This will subtly give you a reminder of what you are achieving every day.

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Dry January: 62 per cent of participants have better sleep

“Next consider your social media profiles - is your profile picture always that one you holding an alcoholic drink? Do you Instagram photos of that exciting looking cocktail? 

“Time to find a new photo of you doing something different and show the world that drinking is not the most interesting thing about you.”

There are also some easy alternatives and small hints and tips from Drinkaware.co.uk which could offer a helping hand. 

If going cold turkey on a night out is too hard, then try cutting down on the amount you drink. 

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Dry January: 49 per cent of participants lose weight

Having an alcohol-free night out could be one way to kick your over-drinking habit to the curb. 

Try having bottles of beer or halves instead of pints and choosing a smaller glass for your wine. Buying spritzers or shandies will also help keep that unit count down. 

Sipping a soft drink between alcoholic drinks slows down the rate of your drinking and means you’ll drink less over the course of an evening. Try a non-alcoholic cocktail, a soft drink or a glass of water. 

Drinking alcohol evert dat for a month can have THIS effect on your body. 

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