Janet Street Porter sparks concern as she shares details of 'threat' from stranger

Janet Street Porter recalled being left shaken when a stranger hurled abuse at her whilst she was walking near her home.

Janet Street Porter talks about the harassed in the street

panellist Janet Street Porter left her co-stars gasping when she recalled being told she "has it coming" by a stranger.

The former journalist was out walking near her home when a man drove next to her and started hurling abuse.

Janet explained: "I turned round and he just started shouting at me about nothing.

"He said, 'I hate you. We all hate you.' I know, it's extraordinary. I was like, 'Really?'

"And he said, 'Who do you think you are? You're really ugly and you're not very intelligent.'

Janet Street Porter

Janet Street Porter sparks concern as she shares details of 'threat' from stranger (Image: ITV)

"He was going on and on so I did what you would do in that circumstance. Well, I did a nervous laugh.

"I thought, surely that will make him stop as I'm showing it doesn't get through to me so I went, 'Ha ha ha.'

"But then I thought this isn't good so I moved out of the way because I'd come to the end of a cul-de-sac so I went down onto the beach below.

"He turned his car around and as I started walking back home, he followed me and his final thing was, 'You've got it coming. You will go down.'"

Coleen Nolan

Janet's Loose Women co-stars were shocked by her admission (Image: ITV)

The audience could be heard audibly gasping as Denise Welch, Coleen Nolan and Charlene White were left open-mouthed.

Janet went on to explain some people walking on the beach were able to identify the car but she has yet to report the incident to the police.

Those watching at home also took to Twitter to share their sympathy with Janet.

Ian Berry posted: "Best wishes, Janet. You didn't deserve that. We listen to your comments about the topics on the show.

"Some agree, some don't, but you always tell it straight and that's why it's so entertaining. Keep going kid!#loosewomen."

Samantha tweeted: "#Loosewomen That’s awful, it’s happened to me a few times.

"I’ve been too afraid, so I sucked it up and got on with things. So sorry to hear Janet experienced this. Bless her."

Loose Women airs weekdays on ITV from 12.30pm.

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