Emmerdale's Meena Jutla to unveil identity of mystery victim she killed in exit twist?

EMMERDALE villain Meena Jutla has become one of the ITV soap's greatest villains of all time but as it seems her days are numbered, she could be set to reveal she has taken the life of another villager which no one has realised is missing.

Emmerdale: Paige Sandhu teases Meena's fate

Meena (played by Paige Sandhu) has wreaked havoc in once again after ruining Billy Fletcher (Jay Kontzle) and Dawn Taylor's (Olivia Bromley) wedding day, as well as leaving Leyla Harding (Roxy Shahidi) and Harriet Finch (Katherine Dow Blyton) for dead. The villain's evil ways are not over yet as she more tricks up her sleeve to bring her master plan to fruition. As she hopes to make even more characters lives a misery, a murder committed off-screen could come to light as the soap killer takes the death toll in the village up to four.

Quite recently, viewers bid farewell to beloved villager Ellis Chapman (Aaron Anthony) as he was asked by a friend to go and work in Australia.

He is the younger brother of Billy, who Meena has been desperate to get revenge on ever since he dumped her to be with Dawn.

Since the youngster left and with no mention of him at all on the wedding day, it seems his exit is already a distant memory.

It's quite strange neither his brother nor father, Al Chapman (Michael Wildman), has been heard saying they have received a message from Ellis to say he is now Down Under.

This could be because before the youngster got on the flight, he was taken hostage by Meena and was actually killed off-screen.

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Emmerdale's Meena Jutla to unveil identity of mystery victim?

Emmerdale's Meena Jutla to unveil identity of mystery victim she killed in exit twist? (Image: ITV)

Emmerdale spoilers: Meena Jutla

Emmerdale spoilers: Meena Jutla has returned to the village (Image: ITV)

Ellis would have become the fourth villager Meena has killed, with the likes of Leanna Cavanagh (Mimi Slinger), Andrea Tate (Anna Nightingale) and Ben Tucker (Simon Lennon) all falling victim to the villain's cruel ways.

Viewers are convinced this is how the young Chapman man has left the show as they have taken to Twitter to share their theories on his demise.

Corey wrote on the social media platform: "That Ellis exit was so rushed, they should have him die by Meena... #emmerdale."

Fiona added: "Shame Meena didn’t kill Ellis #emmerdale," with C stating: "Imagine if Ellis got bumped off by Meena en route to the airport and nobody ever knew because they just think he's f****d off to Australia #Emmerdale."

Eileen commented: "Meena is going to kill Ellis and everyone is going to think he’s gone to Australia. #Emmerdale."

Emmerdale spoilers: Ellis Chapman

Emmerdale spoilers: Ellis Chapman could have been killed off-screen (Image: ITV)

This is the beginning of the end

Paige Sandhu

Although Meena has not yet killed Billy, she is still playing a very dangerous game with him as she has asked him to choose whether he dies or his new bride does.

As he continues to ensure he and his wife makes it out of the ordeal alive, Meena could begin to recall how she bumped into Ellis upon her return to the village.

Knowing it would hurt Billy if his brother was dead, the villain could explain how she decided to murder him as payback.

The groom wouldn't believe her but as the serial killer shows him some photographic evidence, he would be heartbroken.

Will he let Meena take his life as he knows their feud is never going to end and more people will only get hurt in the process?

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Emmerdale spoilers: Meena Jutla star Paige Sandhu

Emmerdale spoilers: Meena Jutla star Paige Sandhu has said her exit is coming (Image: ITV)

The actress who plays the villain, Paige, spoke on Wednesday's edition of This Morning about Meena's return to the village.

After talking about what had happened in the storyline up to Tuesday night's instalment, she said her exit is imminent.

Teasing some more details about what's to come, she said: "There are two people's lives that hang in the balance over this week.

"And I can say this is the beginning of the end for Meena but there is more drama to come," she continued, hinting her character's evil doings might not be over yet.

Could the actress have hinted there is a mystery victim waiting in the shadows to be identified and will it be Ellis?

However, with Meena's exit looming, this could also be another hint the police will get to apprehend the killer before she can murder anyone else.

Whether Leyla, Harriet, Dawn or Billy end up getting murdered before this is yet to be seen as the villain continues her deadly games.

The character is very manipulating and can ensure anyone she comes across would think she is the last person to be a killer.

But with the mountain of evidence stacking up against her, it would be hard for her to convince them she was innocent.

In another interview, actress Paige noted how her character is running out of time and how the walls are closing in on her, whether she wants them to or not.

The actress explained: "Usually everything slots into place when Meena makes a plan, but this time is different as things go wrong which could potentially mean trouble for her.

"As for whether she finally gets her comeuppance, I feel like it’s the most satisfying thing for all involved that we see the people Meena has hurt have their say, and a chance to go up against her.

"It would be a shame if we never got to see that.

"Personally I don’t want her to get taken down because I love her," she told Radio Times but just when will she leave?

currently airs weekdays at 7pm on , with an extra episode airing on Thursdays at 8pm.

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