Fox News terror expert forced to apologise after claiming Birmingham is 'totally Muslim'

AN AMERICAN terrorism pundit has apologised after claiming Birmingham is a "totally Muslim" city where non-Muslims "simply don't go."

By Emily FoxAaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Steven Emerson On Fox News - Birmingham is all Muslim

Steve Emerson made the shocking claims during an interview on Fox News – telling US viewers about the existence of no-go areas in the UK where Muslims are in complete control.

The claims will undoubtedly come as a shock to the hundreds of thousands of non-muslim residents living in Britain's second largest city.

Mr Emerson, a self-proclaimed internationally recognised expert on terrorism, also claimed religious police squads patrol London to "seriously wound" people in non-Muslim dress.

The staggering claims, which many have labelled as a think-veiled Islamophobic attack, were made during a Fox News interview about the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris.

In Britain, it's not just no-go zones, there are actual cities like Birmingham that are totally Muslim where non-Muslims just simply don't go in

Steve Emerson

Mr Emerson told Fox News viewers: "In Britain, it's not just no-go zones, there are actual cities like Birmingham that are totally Muslim where non-Muslims just simply don't go in.

"Parts of London, there are actually Muslim religious police that actually beat and actually wound seriously anyone who doesn't dress according to Muslim, religious Muslim attire."

Following his TV appearance, the US terror expert then proudly posted the entire interview on his website.

Prime Minister David Cameron responded to the comments by saying he "thought it must be April Fool's Day" and branding Mr Emerson "a complete idiot".

He told ITV News: "When I heard this I choked on my porridge and I thought it must be April Fool's Day. 

"This guy is clearly a complete idiot.

"Now he has started with an apology, that's not a bad start, but what he should do is look at Birmingham and see what a fantastic example it is of bringing people together of different faiths, different backgrounds and actually building a world-class, brilliant city with a great and strong economy."

But social media users surged to express their disdain for Mr Emerson's factually inaccurate comments – mocking his inaccurate analysis with a #FoxNewsFacts trend.

Birmingham-born Adil Ray, who created and stars in hit BBC One sitcom Citizen Khan, tweeted: "Some new Birmingham districts: Five Prays, King Abdullah Standing and Prayer Hall Green. #FoxNewsFacts"

Goodness Gracious Me sketch show star Sanjeev Bhaskar said: "During summer months, men w/ padding & helmets armed w/ bats and stumps regularly Mullah visitors in a field called Edgbaston #FoxNewsFacts" 

He added: "The Archers, M6, M5 and UB40 are all weapons made in and around #Birmingham #FoxNewsFacts".

BBC Asian Network DJ Nihal wrote: "Ozzy Osborne was part of a Muslim sleeper cell known as Black Shaheed. Ozzy short for Osman #FoxNewsFacts".

Comedian Al Murray joked: "Ming the Merciless is named after the centre of Birmingham #FoxNewsFacts"

Fellow comic David Schneider added: "Having imposed strict dietary laws on Birmingham, Jews and Muslims have now renamed it Birming #FoxNewsFacts".

In reality, Birmingham has only the ninth-highest Muslim population in the UK, trumped by five London boroughs including Slough, Luton, Bradford and Blackburn.

Terror pundit Mr Emerson has written numerous books on the subject of terrorism, including Jihad Incorporated and The Terrorists Living Among Us, and has spent the past 20 years heading up a group called The Investigative Project on Terrorism.

Critics blasted the Fox News contributor – accusing him of inciting Islamophobia.

The Fox News terror expert has been forced to apologiseFox News

The Fox News terror expert has been forced to apologise

Mr Emerson was later forced to issue an apology to the 1.1million residents living in Birmingham – adding the city is "beautiful" and pledging to make a donation to the Birmingham Children's Hospital.

He said: "I have clearly made a terrible error for which I am deeply sorry.

"My comments about Birmingham were totally in error. 

"And I am issuing an apology and correction on my website immediately."

Mr Emerson also stated his intention to make a donation to Birmingham Children's Hospital.

According to most recent census data from 2011, Birmingham which has more than one million residents has a Muslim population of about 234,000 (21.8%).

Angry readers, some from Birmingham, posted comments on his site accusing him of "speaking nonsense".

Simon Higgins wrote: "This is the most delusional garbage I have encountered on the web in a long time.

"I can only speak for the UK, but let me tell you, there are no Muslim 'no-go' areas here. Anywhere."

Another said: "I am a white male from Birmingham, UK.

"To say the city is totally Muslim and a no-go zone is utter rubbish.

"Yes there are a large number of Muslims in the city, but pretty much every nation on Earth is represented, with the majority of areas integrated pretty well."

One man wrote: "Please stop talking nonsense about my country."

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