Disappearance of Kim Jong-un fuels rumours of deteriorating health and unstable regime

NORTH Korean leader Kim Jong-un's failure to appear in public for almost THREE weeks has renewed rumours of his rapidly-deteriorating health.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Kim Jong-Un has gained weight in recent state-approved photographs, that some believe hint at his poor health Kim Jong-Un has gained weight in recent state-approved photographs, that some believe hint at his po[AP]

The secretive leader, aged 31, is due to make an appearance during a special session of the country's rubber-stamp parliament today.

Governments and leaders around the world are expected to be watching closely to see if Mr Jong-un takes part in the Parliament session – and if he does, whether it reveals any clues to his rumoured condition.

The stability of the North Korean regime and health of its leader is of particular interest to the country's closet neighbours, South Korea.

Professor at Tokyo's Waseda University, Toshimitsu Shigemura explained: "There have been lots of reports that Kim is not in good health, supported by video footage of him walking with a noticeable limp at an event in July and again earlier this month.

"It was clear that he could not walk fast or in a straight line.

"Another reason why Kim may be reluctant to appear in public is the ongoing power struggle inside the North Korean military, which means that the situation in Pyongyang is still unstable.

Kim Jong-Un making a public appearance in 2012 – smiling and happy with wife Ri Sol-ju, aged 24 Kim Jong-Un making a public appearance in 2012 – smiling and happy with wife Ri Sol-ju, aged 24 [AP]

There is the possibility that there has been some sort of accident

Professor Toshimitsu Shigemura

"Or, there is the possibility that there has been some sort of accident"

The latest images released by North Korean state-controlled media suggest that Mr Jong-Un's has piled on weight since coming power after the death of his father – the supreme leader Kim Jong-il – in December 2011.

Experts have attributed his substantial weight-gain to the stress of his new position combined with the mysterious North Korean leader's love of fine dining – including an affinity for cheese, that some link to his time studying in Switzerland.

Many believe the sudden death of his father Kim Jong-il was linked to high blood pressure and diabetes – fuelled by similar expensive dining habits and an outspoken love of French cuisine.

Kim Jong-un has not been seen in public since attending a concert on September 3 with his wife, 24-year-old Ri Sol-ju.

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