'Cowboy' builders bring house down

A PROUD homeowner hit the roof after he asked builders to repair a leaking ceiling - and they brought the whole house down.

The house collapsed after builders attempted to repair the leaking ceiling Europics The house collapsed after builders attempted to repair the leaking ceiling / Europics

Mirek Napieralski, 42, had left the team at his home in Torun, Poland, after they promised the job would take no more than a couple of hours.


But when he returned to check their progress, he watched on horrified as the house collapsed in front of his eyes.


He told the Austrian Times: "This was my parents' house and I grew up in it. Look at it now. I'm taking the builder to court."


Foreman, Robert Kaszubski, added: "I'm waiting for an expert's opinion. It's difficult to say whose fault it was."

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