Thieves force shopkeeper to quit slumdog Britain

A SHOPKEEPER whose store was repeatedly raided by thieves plans to return to India because he believes life is better in the poverty- stricken slums of his homeland.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

A scene from the hit movie Slumdog Millionaire A scene from the hit movie Slumdog Millionaire

Jojo Verghese, who moved to Britain in 2003 to escape the kind of poverty depicted in the hit film Slumdog Millionaire, has already sent his children back to India because he thinks education is better there, too.

The 34-year-old father-of-two has closed his convenience store and is trying to sell up after thieves broke in three times in two years and once held him at gunpoint.

He is sick of British unwillingness to tackle anti-social behaviour and says he would rather return to a simple life with a stronger sense of community.

Jojo, who previously worked as a bank manager in India’s southern state of Kerala, has run the Cochin Stores in Buckland, a tough inner-city area of Portsmouth, with his brother and cousin since 2007.

In the latest raid thieves caused £10,000 damage by smashing through security shutters.

Jojo said: “The film shows how the living conditions and infrastructure in some parts of India are 100 years behind what they are in Britain.

“But people living there have more respect for their neighbours and their neighbour’s property than some people in Portsmouth.”

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