'Put a bullet in Charles's head' Ginger extremist's plot to kill Prince and sons

A "GINGER extremist" who fantasised about killing Princes Charles and William so Prince Harry could become King is to be detained indefinitely for plotting a terror attack.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince CharlesGETTY

Colborne fantasised about killing Princes Charles and William so Prince Harry could become King

Mark Colborne likened himself to Norwegian far-right terrorist Anders Breivik and made notes in his diary on how he planned to assassinate Charles with a high-powered sniper rifle "for the Aryan people".

A judge at the Old Bailey yesterday ordered he be detained under the Mental Health Act.

Colborne, 37, who hated non-Aryans he described as "blacks and Caucasian idiots", felt alienated and marginalised for being a white, ginger-haired man who suffered from agoraphobia and depression, a jury at the Central Criminal Court in Londion heard.

In his notebook, he wrote of his plot to kill the royals. "I was waiting for an opportunity to kill one of them. Let it be Prince Charles which would be good."

He went on to state that he wanted a "silent rifle", adding: "Take up a good position and put a bullet in Charles's head.

Anders Brevik headshotGETTY

Colborne made reference to emulating Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik in his journal

"He is protected but not too protected. I would sacrifice my life for that one shot. Kill Charles and William and Harry become king. Kill the tyrants."

Kill Charles and William and Harry become king. Kill the tyrants

Mark Colborne's journal

Colborne also wrote: "I don't want to be a serial killer. I'm more of an Anders Breivik. I have left potential targets open."

Breivik, 36, killed 77 in a rampage in Norway in 2011 prompted by his opposition to Muslims, multiculturalism, and feminism.

Colborne bought terrorist manuals and the ingredients for the deadly poison cyanide over the internet and stockpiled dust masks, metal filter funnels, plastic syringes and latex gloves.

But he was caught after his half brother uncovered chemicals and papers stashed at the family home in Southampton detailing his racial hatred.

A jury at a retrial at the Old Bailey returned a majority verdict convicting him of preparing terrorist acts before his arrest on June 3 last year.

Sentencing him yesterday, Judge John Bevan QC described Colborne as an extraordinarily "warped individual" whose "extravagant self-pity" had made his own life and that of his family a "misery".

ravenswood hospitalIG

A judge ordered Colborne be treated for psychosis at Ravenswood secure unit in Fareham

He said: "You have been consumed with rage at disparate individuals and groups and you write in graphic terms of bombing and butchery.

"You are, I regret to say, a warped individual who in the past has held views of your fellow man which were repugnant to right-thinking people."

Colborne was ordered to be detained under section 37 of the Mental Health Act with a further restriction under section 41 "without limit of time" on the basis of two psychiatric reports.

The court heard that Colborne was "sane" but had a personality disorder with a degree of psychosis which warranted continued treatment at Ravenswood secure unit in Fareham, Hampshire.

At his trial, the jury convicted on the basis that Colborne possessed handwritten notes copied from internet sources such as The Terrorist Handbook, The Complete Improvised Kitchen and The Jolly Roger Cookbook about the production of viable explosives.

Bottles containing poisionGETTY

Police found ingredients to make Cyanide poison at Colborne's house

He also had books with titles including Assorted Nasties, Silent Death and The Poor Man's James Bond - which contained recipes for cyanide.

Detective Sergeant Andy Hedley said: "It is clear from our investigation that Mark Colborne is a fantasist who had ideas and plans about committing acts that could cause great harm to people.

"Colborne went beyond the realms of fantasy when he wrote down his intentions and bought the chemicals that would have enabled him to carry out these plans."

Prevention and Neighbourhoods Inspector Clive Marsh said: "Fortunately, Colborne never carried out any of his plans and had not progressed to making poisons or viable devices that would have presented an immediate threat to the community.

"It's not possible for us to say whether he would have carried out this non-specific threat if we hadn't intervened. I'd like to reassure the community that all the material he bought and stored at his home was removed."

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