'Got a neck problem?' Corbyn mocked for failing to BOW 'properly' at Remembrance service

JEREMY Corbyn has been mocked online for failing to BOW "properly" during today's sombre Remembrance service at the Cenotaph.

By Nick GutteridgeRichard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Jeremy CorbynGETTY

Jeremy Corbyn at the Cenotaph

The Labour leader, who is a dedicated pacifist, appeared to stoop noticeably less than his political rivals whilst laying a wreath in memory of Britain's war dead in central London.

Eagle-eyed viewers who watched the annual service on television immediately took to social media to voice their disgust, with one calling him a "disgrace". 

Dressed in a smart black suit marred only by a shirt collar poking out over his jacket lapel and slightly too baggy trousers, the embattled left-winger walked up to lay his wreath in procession after David Cameron, who in contrast performed an elaborate incline of the head.

His dedication bore a touching hand-written message, reading: "In memory of the fallen in all wars. Let us resolve to create a world of peace." 

Mr Corbyn had courted controversy by threatening to wear a white poppy - the symbol of the pacifist movement - to the staunchly traditional service. 

He has previously described the tradition of wearing the poppy as a "mawkish festival" and questioned the use of public money on services to commemorate Britain's fallen heroes. 

Commentators had also speculated that he may be uncomfortable attending the sombre Cenotaph event given his previous refusal to sing the National Anthem.

But it was his hesitant head movement which provoked the most ire amongst Twitter users. 

Jeremy Corbyn bows at the CenotaphBBC

Jeremy Corbyn was criticised for his lacklustre bow

David Cameron bowing at the CenotaphBBC

David Cameron's bow was much more emphatic

Lib Dem leader Tim Farron, left, and the SNP's Angus Robertson, right, bowing at the serviceBBC

Lib Dem leader Tim Farron, left, and the SNP's Angus Robertson, right, bowing at the service

If Corbyn could have made his bow (barely even a nod, in truth) any smaller towards the Cenotaph, his head would have gone backwards,

John Preston

One user wrote: "Disappointingly poor bow at The Cenotaph by Corbyn. He disappoints every time and never learns." 

Another said: "If Corbyn could have made his 'bow' (barely even a nod, in truth) any smaller towards the cenotaph, his head would have gone backwards." 

A third added: "Take it Corbyn hurt his neck so he couldn't bow it? Disgrace." 

But others defended the Labour leader, pointing out that he had "bowed in respect" whilst Mayor of London Boris Johnson appeared to "talk through" the traditional two minutes' silence. 

One user wrote: "Corbyn bows in respect: outrage! Boris talks through two minute silence: well, Corbyn didn't bow deep enough." 

Another said: "Boris Johnson talking through the 2 mins silence...show some respect...disgraceful." 

A third added: "Why not focus on the disrespect shown by Boris in talking throughout the 2 min silence meant to honour the dead?" 

The Labour leader was seemingly the only political leader who took time out after the service to mingle with members of the public and veterans, at one point joining in with the applause on Horse Guards parade as Prince William took the salute of marching servicemen past and present. 

After the service Mr Corbyn headed to a remembrance event in his Islington constituency, where he read an anti-war poem by Wilfred Owen. 

The Labour leader's choice of Futility, which was penned by Owen whilst he was serving in the trenches in France, received a mixed reaction with some people accusing him of having a further dig at Britain's war dead. 

Jeremy CorbynGETTY

David Cameron and Jeremy Corbyn at the Remembrance service

Jeremy CorbynGETTY

Critics took to Twitter to accuse Corbyn of disrespect for his bow

But others defended the choice, saying that the work was a fitting reminder of the horrors of war. 

Speaking ahead of today's events, Mr Corbyn said: "Today we remember the fallen in all wars, both service men and women and civilians. 

"On the 70th anniversary of the end of the Second World War, we honour in particular those who gave their lives to defeat fascism. 

"In their memory, and that of all who have suffered or lost their lives in war, let us resolve to build a world of peace." 

Remembrance Day - EX

He later tweeted: "It was moving meeting veterans and others at the Remembrance Sunday service this morning." 

Mr Corbyn has endured numerous controversies over his stance on Britain's military past and future, angering party members by announcing he would refuse to use the Trident nuclear deterrent under any circumstances. 

His reputation also took a battering after a column he wrote for the communist Morning Star paper two years ago hit the headlines again this week. 

In the piece, the Labour leader wrote: "Over the next two weeks we will be treated to an almost mawkish festival of politicians and generals, arms manufacturers and journalists feeling the need to wear a poppy wherever they go.

He added: "I have no objection to people wearing poppies in memory of those who died in wars, but in doing so we should have enough humility to realise that war kills and, as the first world war showed, is usually futile.

"There are alternatives but they require a different way of administering the world and standing up to commercial pressures, arms and mineral companies who seek to move in behind Western intervention.

"Perhaps this is where we should be focusing and not on the jingoism and bunting that was hung out in 1914 for the young men who were seen off on train stations in London before breathing their last on the western front." 

The left-winger's advisers have been urging him to take a more conciliatory tone of late, and he did join in with the tributes to Britain's war dead at last week's PMQs.

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