WATCH: Training the world's most obedient attack dog

COULD THIS be the world's most obedient attack dog?

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Extremely Well Trained Attack Dog

Video footage has emerged online showing a demonstration of what could be the most well-behaved pooch in action.

In the viral video, the ferocious mutt listens and responds to its trainer's commands INSTANTANEOUSLY.

At the start of the footage, the Alsatian breed stays close to his trainer's side and barks loudly at a man identified as a threat. 

Then with just a word – the attack dog lurches forward and throws itself onto the man's left arm.

His jaw clamped shut, the dog is spun around but he doggedly clings on to his foe, snarling. 

But with one word from its trainer, the dog lets go and drops to the ground.

 With just a word – the attack dog lurches forward and throws itself onto the man's left arm With just a word – the attack dog lurches forward and throws itself onto the man's left arm [IG]

The trainer – filmed wearing a red hoodie – only has to say "with me" for the dog to immediately lose all interest in the 'threat' the owner had asked him to savagely maul only seconds before.

Dog is Smart. Person who took this vertical video, not so much

Rick Muller, commenting on Youtube

With another "attack" command the docile dog suddenly charges again – before relaxing and sitting down in the alley, believed to be in Poland, at the sounds of another "enough" command.

The video – which has gained hundreds of thousands of views in a matter of hours – perfectly demonstrates the control that good dog trainers exercise over their animals.

Commenting on the iPhone-shot footage, Rick Muller posted: "Dog is Smart. 

"Person who took this vertical video, not so much".

Another summed up the video, stating: "The phrase "good boy" has rarely been so adequate".

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