Tories blocked royal phone-tapping probe

JOHN Major’s government blocked the Queen’s attempt to set up a secret inquiry into the bugging of Prince Charles and Princess Diana’s phone calls, it emerged yesterday.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

MAJOR Government blocked probe MAJOR: Government blocked probe

Tory Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke decided against asking MI5 to investigate the interception of the calls behind the Squidgygate and Camillagate affairs.

He feared it would embarrass Britain’s spies if the press found out.

His response was made public for the first time yesterday when a series of previously confidential letters and records of high-level meetings in January 1993 were disclosed at the Diana inquest.

The documents showed there was never a proper investigation into how two highly personal and embarrassing phone calls were recorded in 1989 and made public in 1992.

In the Squidgygate tape, Diana confessed her unhappiness in her marriage and complained about her royal in-laws – “after all I’ve done for that f****** family” – to friend James Gilbey, who nicknamed her Squidgy.

Charles made his feelings for his married lover Camilla Parker Bowles plain in the explicit Camillagate tape, telling her he wanted to be reincarnated as her tampon.

In court yesterday the Queen’s former private secretary, Lord Fellowes said that after discussions with the Queen, he asked the Government to consider setting up an inquiry.

The jury heard that Charles supported the idea and thought the investigation should be made public to act as a deterrent.

Lord Fellowes said that the recordings – officially attributed to radio hams but widely blamed on the Government’s GCHQ eavesdropping centre – had caused concern at Buckingham Palace.

“It would be wrong, I think in the first place, to say that the Queen demanded an inquiry.

“It was not her habit to react in that way, but to consult and to be informed by the best advice available,” he said.

“There were two strands of thinking. One was obviously if there had been anything nefarious done, that it should be discovered and punished.

“But the main strand of thinking in Buckingham Palace, if I can put it broadly, was that this had happened and what action should be taken to ensure that it did not happen again.”

Lord Fellowes also disclosed that the Queen regularly had her rooms swept for bugs. He said: “I wouldn’t say it was a constant preoccupation but yes we needed reassurance at regular intervals.”

Mr Clarke rejected the Palace’s request for an inquiry a day after senior civil servants discussed it with Sir Kenneth Scott, the Queen’s deputy private secretary, MI5 head Stella Rimington and GCHQ chief Sir John Ayde.

In a letter, Sir Clive Whitmore, permanent secretary at the Home Office, said of the then Home Secretary: “He thinks that there is a real danger that even a Security Service inquiry of the kind we have in mind would quickly come to the attention of the media.”

The letter added that Mr Clarke feared an inquiry might be portrayed in the press as an indication that he thought MI5 or GCHQ had been involved in the bugging.

The inquest has examined the Squidgygate tapes amid claims that the fallout from the scandal marked the start of Establishment hostility towards Diana.

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