All the Queen’s men

THE Queen went to Downing Street yesterday for a historic lunch with four of her five surviving prime ministers to celebrate her Diamond Jubilee.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

The Queen in Downing Street yesterday for a lunch with four of her 12 premiers The Queen in Downing Street yesterday for a lunch with four of her 12 premiers

Only Baroness Thatcher, too frail to attend, was missing as the red carpet was rolled out to welcome the sovereign on a rare visit to Number 10.

The 86-year-old monarch has famously acted as a confidante to all 12 of the prime ministers who have served during her 60-year reign so there should have been no problems with awkward introductions when she and Prince Philip sat down to dine with David Cameron, Gordon Brown, Tony Blair and Sir John Major and their respective wives – minus Cherie Blair, no fan of the monarchy, who was said to be working abroad.

The Queen sat next to Mr Cameron but nervous Downing Street officials refused to publish a more detailed seating plan amid mischief-making at Westminster over the need to keep apart the most bitter of old rivals ­– former Labour premiers Tony Blair and Gordon Brown.

There was a very buzzy atmosphere. These are people that the Queen has known for a very long time. It was very, very relaxed

A royal source

Aides, however, insisted afterwards that it had been a happy, relaxed occasion.

A royal source said: “It was very convivial. They had pre-lunch drinks in the Terracotta Room in Downing Street and then went through for the meal.

“There was a very buzzy atmosphere. These are people that the Queen has known for a very long time. It was very, very relaxed.”

The Queen joked with the photographer when he took five snaps, one more than agreed, to record the occasion, flashing a smile as she said: “I thought you said four.”

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg and his wife Miriam were also at the meal along with Cabinet Secretary Sir Jeremy Heywood, whose diplomacy may have been required to deal with the clashing egos.

The guests tucked into a starter of salmon, a main course of roast duck breast with potatoes and seasonal vegetables, and a dessert of trifle.

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