Your carriage (and 1m people) await for a grand finale, Ma’am

THE Queen has pared down the number of royals who will join her in a Diamond Jubilee carriage procession.

By Richard Palmer Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

Up to a million people will greet the Queen and Prince Philip in London Up to a million people will greet the Queen and Prince Philip in London

This age of austerity and a decision to send other members of the Royal Family elsewhere mean that Her Majesty and Prince Philip will be joined by only five relatives in the procession on June 5 – compared to a dozen at a similar parade for her Golden Jubilee 10 years ago.

Buckingham Palace yesterday revealed the processional route that the Queen, Prince Philip, Prince Charles, Camilla, Prince William and Kate plus Prince Harry will take through central London streets lined with up to a million people.

They will leave a lunch for 700 at Westminster Hall, the oldest part of Parliament, and travel to Buckingham Palace in three carriages from New Palace Yard via Whitehall, Trafalgar Square, through Admiralty Arch and down The Mall in a procession that will end with a balcony appearance and RAF flypast.

A Buckingham Palace spokesman said other members of the Royal Family will travel to the palace by car this time after attending receptions at the Mansion House and Guildhall in the City of London.

They will leave a lunch for 700 at Westminster Hall, the oldest part of Parliament

He added: “That is the principal reason why the numbers in the carriage procession are smaller but it’s also true to say that, in general, this year’s Diamond Jubilee events have been organised with the current economic climate in mind.”

That will bring down the curtain on a four-day bank holiday weekend of spectacular events to mark the sovereign’s 60 years on the throne.

A Sovereign’s Escort, provided by the Household Cavalry in their breastplates and plumed helmets, will accompany the Queen and Philip, who will travel in the 1902 State Landau.

The Landau, usually drawn by six of the Queen’s horses, is the main open-air ceremonial carriage used in fine weather and is designed to give crowds the best possible view of the royals.

Built by Hoopers for Edward VII’s coronation, it is particularly spacious, as it was designed with the King’s 48-inch girth in mind. It was used by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge at their marriage last year and by Prince Charles and Princess Diana at their 1981 wedding.

But it is not as ornate as the four-ton 18th century Gold State Coach, which the Queen used for the carriage procession during her Golden Jubilee, Silver Jubilee, and at her Coronation, the only times she has ridden in it in public.

A decade ago, she was accompanied in the procession by Prince Charles and Princess Anne riding on horseback behind her in ceremonial uniform, while three other open-top carriages were filled with royals including William and Harry, Prince Andrew, Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, the Earl and Countess of Wessex, Anne’s children Zara and Peter Phillips as well as her husband Tim Laurence. The Government yesterday opened a ballot for the public to apply for 10,000 free tickets to watch the procession from around the Queen Victoria Memorial outside the Palace. Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt said: “This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and one that will be remembered for generations.

“It’s completely right these seats are allocated in a fair way and that they are free. To have a ringside seat on such a historic day is an experience not to be missed.”

Details of the ballot, which closes at midnight on Friday, can be found on the website

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