Royal makeover for Diamond Jubilee river cruiser

A CONVENTIONAL passenger boat will be turned into a spectacular 17th century-style royal barge to carry the Queen down the Thames.

By Richard Palmer Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

Thames passenger boat the Spirit of Chartwell will be transformed to carry the royals Thames passenger boat the Spirit of Chartwell will be transformed to carry the royals

The 210ft Spirit of Chartwell usually plies its trade taking tourists past London’s landmarks on the river.

But it will be adorned in gold, purple and crimson with elaborate gilt sculptures, a gilded carving near the prow and two thrones on a raised dais beneath a canopy for the Diamond Jubilee event.

There will be lavish red carpets, velvet drapes, and flowers from the Queen’s gardens, with an emphasis on the royal colours, red, gold and purple. Pageant master Adrian Evans said: “It must be a jewel – the most magnificent vessel in the flotilla.”

The barge’s layout will be adapted to give up to one million people lining the Thames, and a global TV audience of hundreds of millions, the best possible view of the Queen and Prince Philip.Organisers refused to say which other members of the Royal Family would be on the barge but it is thought Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall, plus the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, will be on deck too.

It must be a jewel – the most magnificent vessel in the flotilla.

Pageant master Adrian Evans

Originally the plan was for the Queen to travel on the Gloriana, a £500,000 barge especially commissioned for the pageant by Tory peer and life president of P&O, Lord Sterling. But that plan was dropped amid safety and security concerns.

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