Fergie faces 22 years’ jail for secret film in orphanage

THE Duchess of York could face more than 22 years in jail after being charged in Turkey with violating children’s privacy by secretly filming in orphanages.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Sarah Ferguson could face jail in Turkey Sarah Ferguson could face jail in Turkey

Prince Andrew’s former wife Sarah Ferguson made the trip to the country in 2008 to make a damning undercover documentary for ITV.

She and her younger daughter Princess Eugenie, who accompanied her, were in tears at the mistreatment of youngsters.

The Duchess, disguised in a black wig and green headscarf, and Eugenie, now 21, saw shaven-headed children tied to beds, or held in makeshift straitjackets in rooms stained with urine and faeces.

The programme led to a diplomatic row between Britain and Turkey, which tried unsuccessfully to have the Duchess extradited or tried in the UK. Britain maintained it was not a crime under our laws and there was no justification for her to face charges.

More than three years on, Turkish prosecutors yesterday charged the Duchess, 52, in her absence over the visits to orphanages in Ankara and Istanbul. The charges carry a maximum penalty of 22 years and 6 months.

Prince Andrew’s former wife Sarah Ferguson made the trip to the country in 2008 to make a damning undercover documentary for ITV

The affair has embarrassed the Queen, who hosted a state visit by Turkish president Abdullah Gul to Britain only two months ago. The high-profile visit served to underline how Turkey has become such a valued ally.

The Duchess has defended her TV programme – called Duchess and Daughters: Their Secret Mission – saying: “I went as a mum and I went because those children are silent whispers. And quite frankly, I’m very happy to stand by that film.”

Yesterday a friend of the Duchess said: “It’s ridiculous that a humanitarian visit and undercover report exposing mistreatment of children should result in her being charged. In other countries, the authorities would be under investigation.”

Last night a spokesman for the Duchess added: “She fully cooperated with both the Turkish and British authorities at all times on this issue.

“British ministers refused to accede to the further request for legal assistance in Turkey. So from a UK perspective we have been told by the Home Office the case is closed.

“The action today by the Turkish authorities is news to all.”

TV presenter Chris Rogers, who travelled with the Duchess, said after the broadcast: “Sarah and I witnessed children dressed in rags at Turkey’s Saray Institution, which had 700 unwanted, disabled youngsters shut up within its walls. There was a terrible stench of urine, sweat and vomit.”

But Nimet Cubukcu, minister for family affairs, insisted the film was an attempted “smear”, linked to opposition over Turkey’s possible EU membership.

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