Kate, Duchess of Cambridge has joined the Scouts

THE Duchess of Cambridge is to become a volunteer helper with the Scouts – once she has passed a Criminal Records Bureau check.

By Richard Palmer Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

The Duchess of Cambridge will oversee activities for boys and girls aged between six and 10 The Duchess of Cambridge will oversee activities for boys and girls aged between six and 10.

Kate, who turns 30 on Monday, is currently undergoing the check, compulsory for anyone who works with children, before beginning her role as an occasional volunteer helping organise activities for Beaver and Cub Scout groups near the homes she shares with Prince William in North Wales and London.

The Duchess, who like any occasional volunteer will have the option of wearing a Scout polo shirt and scarf while on duty, will oversee activities for boys and girls aged between six and 10.

Kate, Duchess of Cambridge will be volunteering to help the scouts

Kate, Duchess of Cambridge’s role with the Scouts is expected to create a big uplift in membership

Her duties are expected to include running games, teaching first aid and helping out with cooking and campfires.

St James’s Palace will today officially announce her role with the Scouts, whose motto is “Be prepared”.

It will also reveal her first royal patronages. She will become patron of four organisations, Action on Addiction, East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices (Each), the National Portrait Gallery, and The Art Room. The organisations tackle issues ranging from drug and alcohol addiction to supporting dying children and helping young people use art therapy to tackle behavioural problems.

She visited several charities in the autumn before deciding on the four and they are likely to remain her only patronages this year.

Her decision to become patron of Each, which works with families across Cambridgeshire, Essex, Norfolk, and Suffolk, will become her first association with the area whose Duchess she became in April.

She and Prince William are expected to go to Cambridge soon. “A visit is in the pipeline,” an aide said yesterday.

Kate has been keen to get involved with charitable organisations

A St James’s Palace spokesman said: “The Duchess’ first patronages and her volunteer position reflect Her Royal Highness’ personal interests in the arts, the promotion of outdoor activity, and supporting people who are in need, of all ages.

“The Duchess has chosen to support organisations that complement the charitable work already undertaken by her husband.”

Kate’s role with the Scouts is expected to create a big uplift in applications to join the worldwide organisation, set up in 1907 by Robert Baden-Powell.

After years of decline in the 1980s and 1990s, the Scout Association, which admitted its first girls in 1976 and now counts 60,000 of them among its 400,000 membership in the UK, has seen numbers rise for five consecutive years.

Kate joined the Brownies when she was a youngster

It has 100,000 volunteer leaders in Britain but needs more to cope with 35,000 children on its waiting list.

Kate joined the separate girls’ organisation, the Brownies, at the age of eight with her sister Pippa, then seven, in 1990 and went on an Easter holiday with her “pack” to the Cotswolds. Aides said she wanted her Scouting role to encourage a spirit of adventure and love of the outdoor life in children.

“We are absolutely delighted,” said Derek Twine, chief executive of the Scout Association.

June Scutter, who as Brown Owl awarded the Middleton sisters their toymakers’ badge in the 1st St Andrew’s Brownies in Pangbourne, Berkshire, said last night: “I am absolutely thrilled. I never imagined when Kate was a Brownie that one day she would become the ambassador for the Scouts.”

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