Queen to dock pay of Palace strikers

THE Queen has vowed to dock the pay of striking servants after 140 of her staff were ordered to walk out by their trade union.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

The Queen pictured laying a wreath at the Cenotaph The Queen pictured laying a wreath at the Cenotaph

Administrative and reception staff at Buckingham Palace and other royal residences have been called out on Wednesday as part of protests against plans to cut the value of public sector pensions.

The Palace staff include some who will be directly affected by the changes.

They have been told to walk out by Britain’s biggest civil service union, the Public and Commercial Services Union.

Richard Simcox, for the PCS, said: “They were balloted. So we certainly expect them to walk out.”

And it is understood that other staff among the Royal Household’s 1,200 employees are members of other unions, such as Unison and the First Division Association, that have also voted to strike.

They were balloted. So we certainly expect them to walk out.

Richard Simcox, for the PCS

But management at the Royal Household insisted there was little appetite for strike action among staff.

A spokeswoman for the Queen said: “We would not pay employees who do not attend work unless they are sick or on agreed leave arrangements.”

The Royal Family have also vowed to cross picket lines if they face any.

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