PRINCE William and Kate Middleton sealed their eight-year romance with two kisses on the Buckingham Palace balcony yesterday.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince William and Kate Middleton shared two kisses on the Buckingham Palace balcony Prince William and Kate Middleton shared two kisses on the Buckingham Palace balcony

To the delight of an almost two million-strong crowd – and two billion watching on television around the world – the newlyweds declared their love for all to see.

Despite all the planning and rehearsals, nothing could have prepared Kate for the size of the crowd outside the Palace. Awestruck, she exclaimed: “Oh wow!”

In touching and intimate moments, her new husband tenderly coaxed her into a public display of affection. “Is it going to be OK to do it now?” he asked, before briefly pecking her on the lips.

Buoyed by an expectant crowd, he grew more confident as his wife relaxed in the sunshine.

“Do another kiss. Do another kiss. Come on, one more,” he urged, before they embraced, exchanging a longer, deeper kiss. “No more. No more. It’s embarrassing,” William said afterwards.

Prince William and Kate Middleton shared two kisses on the Buckingham Palace balcony

Their duty done, they enjoyed a brief flypast by planes from the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight and modern jets. “Perfect formation,” said Kate before the newlyweds went back inside to join their family, friends and guests. The couple, made Duke and Duchess of Cambridge yesterday by the Queen, were married in a majestic ceremony at Westminster Abbey.

In a stunning ivory lace gown designed by Sarah Burton of Alexander McQueen, Kate walked up the red-carpeted aisle a commoner and came back a future Queen.

In the dashing scarlet dress uniform of Colonel of the Irish Guards, William, 28, was the last person among the 1,900 congregation to see his bride, facing the altar until she arrived beside him. “You look beautiful,” he told her as he turned towards her.

As they took their vows, the Royal Family looked on with pride. “It’s amazing,” the Queen said afterwards. Wills’s stepmother, Camilla, seemed overcome with emotion and struggled to hold back the tears.

“Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire,” the Bishop of London told the couple in his wedding sermon, quoting from St Catherine of Siena, whose feast day it was yesterday.

After the hour-long ceremony, the couple were driven back in the open-top 1902 State Landau to the cheers of the flag-waving crowd. Many later shed tears as the newlyweds embraced in the sunshine in moving scenes reminiscent of Charles and Diana’s balcony kiss 30 years ago.

Kellie Beckwith, 37, of Wickford, Essex, who had camped out overnight with her family, said: “The kiss was magical. I am in tears. It made me feel proud to be British.”

Pat Naughton, 64, from Widnes, Cheshire, said: “Princess Diana would have loved this but she’ll be watching over them.” In his formal speech, William spoke from the heart about his love for his new bride. His proud father Prince Charles told the guests: “Catherine is William’s soul mate and I hope they look after me in my dotage.” He also joked about one of the more obvious traits he shares with his son.

Susie Lea, a friend of Carole and Michael Middleton, revealed: “The Prince of Wales made a few jokes about his bald patch, saying it must be hereditary.

“He was stood up on a small stand so he was looking down on William to his left. William smiled. Kate looked amused as well.”

After the lunchtime reception, the new Duke and Duchess left the Palace in Charles’s open-top Aston Martin festooned with balloons, an L-plate, and a number plate that read Just Wed, as RAF search and rescue colleagues saluted them from a yellow Sea King helicopter.

They spent a few hours resting at Clarence House before returning to Buckingham Palace last night for a more intimate party that went on into the early hours.

As the nation reflected on a magical day, David Cameron summed up the mood. “It’s a great moment for Britain. There’s no greater country and no better place to be than right here, right now.”

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