Wills shows England the way

Prince William showed he could give England footballers a lesson in motivation yesterday.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince William Prince William

The Prince, who has admitted he would love to be a coach, was applauded for his managerial skills during a children’s five-a-side training session the day after England’s 2-1 defeat to Russia in the Euro 2008 qualifiers.

Former England international Sir Trevor Brooking said: “I am sure William will be a good coach when he finishes his Army commitments.”

Sir Trevor, director of football development for the FA, added: “We’ll have to get him in on one of the courses. He did really well with the team he was on.”

William, playing with Moorside Community Primary School in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, exchanged high-fives with goal-scorer Patrick Clark, nine, telling him: “Well done, you’re like a mini-Wayne Rooney.”

The 25-year-old prince showed his support for the national side when he told sixth-formers at another school: “People just put England down and write them off too quickly. We always come back.”

William, the FA’s president, wore a white top, blue tracksuit bottoms and odd socks – an old Etonian tradition – when he visited the Hat-Trick project, which gives football opportunities to youngsters in deprived parts of Newcastle.

I am sure William will be a good coach when he finishes his Army commitments

Sir Trevor Brooking

He scored a hit with his young team-mates when he said: “Let’s have a huddle. How did you win the last game?”

But, just like England, he let his advantage slip away when he told the Newcastle fans he supports Aston Villa.

One onlooker said:  “The kids were mortified. One of them said, ‘But I thought he was nice?’ He did concede he hadn’t got a bad right foot.”

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