Prince Harry lays wooden cross for fallen comrade

PRINCE Harry dedicated a simple wooden cross yesterday to a friend killed in Afghanistan.

By Richard Palmer Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

Prince Harry salutes during the ceremony honouring British war dead at Wootton Bassett Prince Harry salutes during the ceremony honouring British war dead at Wootton Bassett

The Prince planted the cross as he opened Britain’s first remembrance field for fallen heroes in the conflict in memory of Household Cavalry comrade Lance Corporal of Horse Jonathan “Jo” Woodgate.

The two men, who were the same age, served together in the Blues and Royals and knew each other well, although they were in Afghanistan at different times.


L/Cpl Woodgate, 26, was killed on foot patrol in Sangin, Helmand, on March 26 this year in a grenade blast as he tried to save a group of children when troops came under small arms fire.

In a moving ceremony at the Royal British Legion Wootton Bassett Field of Remembrance in Wiltshire, Harry, who acted as a forward air controller in Afghanistan in 2008 and is currently training to return there as a helicopter pilot, saluted Jo and the 341 other men and women who have died in the Afghan conflict since 2001.

After the ceremony, he shared his memories of L/Cpl Woodgate with the soldier’s father Tony, telling him: “He was a special chap.” Mr Woodgate, fighting to hold back tears, said: “I shall remember this moment forever.”

Prince Harry also met teams from the Army, Navy, RAF and Royal Marines who are raising £1million for the Royal British Legion with a 1,000-mile March For Honour.

Meanwhile one of the original veterans behind the Wootton Bassett tributes to the Afghan dead expressed anger at not being invited to the ceremony. Ken Scott, 93, told Channel 5 News: “I’m vexed, I’m more than vexed. I feel it’s a slap in the face for Wootton Bassett.”

A Royal British Legion spokeswoman said she knew nothing about why he had not been asked.

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