New Zealanders vote not to axe the Queen

THE Queen received an 84th birthday present from New Zealand yesterday when Wellington’s parliament threw out a bid to scrap the monarchy.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

VOTE FOR THE QUEEN Wellington s parliament threw out a bid to scrap the monarchy VOTE FOR THE QUEEN: Wellington’s parliament threw out a bid to scrap the monarchy

A Bill for a referendum on keeping the monarch as head of state or electing a president was defeated amid a rise in support for the Royals among New Zealanders.

Republicans blamed the new public mood on Prince William’s visit to the country in January, when he was greeted like a pop star.


“That’s why Buckingham Palace sent him out here,” said Lewis Holden, chairman of the country’s Republican Movement. “In a way, it’s a particularly good birthday present for the Queen.”

A poll hours before the vote showed support for a republic down from 47 per cent two years ago to just 37 per cent yesterday. Mr Holden criticised Prime Minister John Key for leading his National Party and its allies in blocking the referendum.

Mr Key said it was inevitable New Zealand would become a republic but indicated he wanted to wait until Prince Charles came to the throne.

Green MP Keith Locke, who put forward the Bill, said : “Why should we have a head of state on the other side of the world who is not a citizen of our country?”

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