Prince Andrew invites Fergie to his 50th

PRINCE Andrew has risked a huge family upset by inviting the ­Duchess of York to Buckingham Palace to join the Queen and Prince Philip at his 50th birthday reception.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince Andrew has risked a huge family upset by inviting the Duchess of York to Buckingham Palace Prince Andrew has risked a huge family upset by inviting the ­Duchess of York to Buckingham Palace

Andrew still enjoys a close friendship with his ex-wife Sarah ­Ferguson, 50, and shares his Windsor home with her ­despite their ­divorce 14 years ago.

He was keen to invite her to his glittering birthday party on Thursday – even though relations between Fergie and his father Philip, 88, have been strained for a long time.

The Duke of Edinburgh has never forgiven Fergie for bringing shame on the Royal Family ­during the break-up of her marriage, ­particularly after ­pictures were published showing the topless Duchess having her toes sucked by her then-financial ­adviser John Bryan in 1992.

At the party senior members of the Royal Family are expected to join 300 guests, including military personnel from Andrew’s regiments and staff from the charities of which he is patron. There will be a 45-minute concert by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and the English National Ballet

Andrew yesterday celebrated his ­birthday weekend with Fergie and their daughters, Princess ­Beatrice, 21, and ­Princess Eugenie, 19, on the Swiss ski slopes of Verbier. Last night he enjoyed an intimate supper in the swish resort with his family and a small circle of close friends, including host, millionaire Paddy McNally.

The Duchess and princesses are throwing another party at St James’ Palace on Friday. Andrew and the girls have fought hard to try to heal family divisions over Fergie, ­dating back to the 1992 breakdown of his ­marriage and divorce in 1996.

In 2005 and 2008 they secured an invitation for Fergie to spend part of the summer with the ­Royal Family at Balmoral. But friends admitted that, while the Queen, 83, has always maintained cordial relations with her former daughter-in-law, Philip has proved more reluctant to ­forgive and forget.

After the 2005 visit, a friend of ­Fergie’s said: “He avoided her like the plague. I don’t think they spoke a single word all week.”

Ten years ago, the Queen, Philip, Prince Charles, 61, and Prince Edward, 45, were all ­absent from Andrew’s 40th party. It was said they stayed away because of the Duchess of York.

It is not clear yet, however, if Fergie will accept the invitation to Thursday’s reception. She may ­decline diplomatically, citing business commitments in the US. Fergie is in New York on Monday to make the keynote address at a meeting at the United Nations.

In an interview last week, ­Andrew said he hoped he and others in the Royal Family had learned lessons from his split with Fergie, who complained of feeling isolated and ill-prepared for the pressures of royal life.

He said: “I would like to think that lessons have been learned because, my goodness, some ­lessons did need learning. But memories sometimes can be quite short so it’s a challenge.” A source close to the couple said yesterday: “It’s the Duke of York’s ­office that is organising the ­reception. The Queen’s not ­hosting it. So it was his decision as to who was invited.”

Fergie has since claimed that her former father-in-law’s hostility almost drove her to the point of a nervous breakdown.

Talking about the 1992 scandal over her and Mr Bryan she said in 2001: “It was so bad that I believed I was this worthless human being. I thought maybe Prince Philip was right.” And in 2002 she repeated: “Prince Philip said I was ­pointless. And probably at the time he was right.”

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