Prince Charles: Executive jet with big carbon footprint gets him to climate change talks

PRINCE Charles used up seven months’ worth of the average British person’s “carbon footprint” yesterday flying to Copenhagen on an executive jet to make a speech on climate change.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince Charles travelled to Copenhagen on an executive jet to make a speech on climate change Prince Charles travelled to Copenhagen on an executive jet to make a speech on climate change

The heir to the throne, who prides himself on his green credentials, cost taxpayers an estimated £12,000 and racked up a 6.486-ton carbon footprint in one day by taking a seven-seater RAF Royal Flight HS125 jet to the summit in the Danish capital.

Charles, who made an impassioned speech to world leaders on the need to agree drastic cuts in carbon emissions, decided against taking a more environmentally-friendly train or scheduled airliner, arguing it was impractical.

“We looked at the possibility of flying scheduled but due to the usual considerations of security, punctuality – we could not afford a delayed or cancelled flight – and practicality, using the Royal Flight was seen as the best option,” his spokesman said.

Similar trips in the last couple of years have cost £12,000.

The Prince, who will offset the pollution he caused by using taxpayers’ money to invest in environmentally-friendly initiatives, generates an annual carbon footprint of 2,601 tons, compared to 11 tons for an average UK citizen. He was one of numerous VIPs at the £130million summit, which will generate 40,500 tons of carbon dioxide over 12 days, the equivalent to the emissions of York, Portsmouth or the African country of Malawi in the same period.

Charles told politicians they had only seven years to prevent irreversible man-made weather changes.

“I can only appeal to you to listen to the cries of those who are already suffering from the impact of climate change,” he said.

“Just as mankind had the power to push the world to the brink, so too do we have the power to bring it back into balance.

“You have been called to positions of responsibility at this critical time. The eyes of the world are upon you and it is no understatement to say that, with your signatures, you can write our future.”

Charles, who has campaigned on environmental issues for three decades, warned of the dangers of climate change creating human catastrophes.

But as he spoke, his efforts to broker an international deal for rich countries to pay poor countries to preserve their rainforests – a vital source of soaking up carbon dioxide – were unravelling.

Developed nations refused to pay enough into a £20billion pot and Third World countries refused to stick to targets to reduce deforestation. Charles said it was easy to focus on worst-case scenarios, but added: “Take a moment to consider the opportunities if we succeed. Imagine a healthier, safer and more sustainable, economically robust world. Because if we share in that vision, we can share the will to action that is now required.”

He believed man’s future could only be assured if people found ways of living as part of nature.

He warned: “Climate change is a risk-multiplier. It has the potential to take all the other critical issues we face as a global community and transform their severity into a cataclysm. Reducing poverty, increasing food production, combating terrorism and sustaining economic development are all vital priorities, but it is increasingly clear how rapid climate change will make them even more difficult to address.”

In a poll of Daily Express readers yesterday 98 per cent said they believed Britons are being conned over man-made global warming theories.

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