Jude set to be action bad guy

JUDE Law is in talks to appear in the Superman Returns sequel as the Man of Steel's arch enemy General Zod. The role was made famous by Terence Stamp opposite Christopher Reeve in Superman 2 in 1980.

Law, 33, who resembles the younger Stamp, has so far resisted appearing in big screen action franchises but is a comic book fan.

A Warner Brothers source says: "Zod is going to be the main bad guy in the second film. Some say they should use an unknown but the director Bryan Singer is looking at Jude. The similarities between him and Stamp are clear."

Law turned down an offer to fill Superman's Lycra catsuit two years ago, admitting: "My greatest fear is that a role like that would define me. Do I want to be known from here on in as Superman?

"I'd feel the same way about being James Bond. They are iconic characters and there is also pressure in stepping into someone else's tights."

Brandon Routh will again don the cape and Y-fronts as Superman, with Kevin Spacey returning as Lex Luther.

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