Camilla treated to special performance by Vienna's celebrated Spanish Riding School

THE Duchess of Cornwall was treated to a special performance by Vienna's celebrated Spanish Riding School today on the final leg of her European tour with Prince Charles.

By Richard Palmer in Vienna, Royal Correspondent

Camilla visits prestigious Spanish Riding School in Vienna

Camilla spent more an hour at the riding school in central Vienna while her husband went off to undertake his own solo royal duties.

The Duchess, a keen fan of equestrian sports, was shown around by Elisabeth Gurtler, the school's director, and toured the stables before watching a special performance in her honour in the Winter Riding School.

The horses and riders put on a display of classical equitation in the Renaissance tradition of the Haute Ecole. 

The school is listed on UNESCO’s list of intangible cultural heritage of humanity.

Camilla said after the performance: "It was wonderful.

Camilla with patting the horseGETTY/EPA

Camilla treated the horses to sugar lumps after the show

Camilla feeding one of the horsesGETTY

The Duchess is famous for her love of equestrian sport

I normally bring my polo mints but I've forgotten them today

Duchess of Cornwall

"The last time I was here was in 1970."

This is when she had toured the historic buildings in the 450-year-old UNESCO-listed riding school, which takes the Spanish part of its name from the Lippizaner stallions, bred from horses originating from the Iberian peninsula originally in the 16th century.

Camilla armed herself with sugar lumps to tour the stables and treat the horses.

The horses performingEPA

Riders put on a display of classical equitation in the Renaissance tradition of the Haute Ecole

Camilla touring the premisesGETTY

The Duchess met with the riders at a reception after the performance

She said: "I normally bring my polo mints but I've forgotten them today."

After the performance, she met the riders at a reception in a room above the Winter Riding School.

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