Kate admits 'being a mum is tough' Duchess of Cambridge opens up on Charlotte and George

THE Duchess of Cambridge insisted parenting was tough today after leaving her own children at home to meet young mums battling emotional problems.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Duchess of Cambridge dazzles in royal blue dress

She may have a full-time live-in nanny and a mother who gives her plenty of help with Prince George and Princess Charlotte but Kate, 35, suggested it was still no picnic bringing up a family.

"I did just leave a room of six under threes," she said, smiling, when she was asked if she was braced to spend the morning with a group of children under five at a centre that helps parents with personality disorders bond more closely with their offspring.

It was not clear if Princess Charlotte, who will be two in May, has got friends over to play but the Duchess empathised with parents who have struggled when she visited the Anna Freud Centre's Early Years Parenting Unit in Holloway, north London.

Parenting is tough

Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge

Kate, who wore a blue Eponine dress on her first official royal engagement of the year, is patron of the centre. She visited the unit to learn more about its work with families who have children under five that are at risk of being taken into care.

After listening to the stories of one group of mothers who have been through a treatment programme to help them grapple with problem such as a family history of abuse and addiction, the Duchess said she felt for them.

"Parenting is tough," she said. "And with the history and all the things and the experiences you've all witnessed, to do that on top of your own anxieties, and the lack of support you also received as mothers... I find it extraordinary how you've managed actually. So really well done."

Kate Duchess of CambridgePA/SWNS

The Duchess of Cambridge attended her first royal engagement of the year in a blue Eponine dress

Kate Duchess of CambridgeGETTY

Kate is patron of the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families

35 moments to mark the Duchess of Cambridge's birthday

She heard one mother describe how she had been trafficked from Nigeria and has not wanted her son, now six, when she was pregnant but now had a much improved relationship after coming for treatment when he was three.

"I got depressed really badly," she said. "I needed help because I was trafficked to this country."

Kate listened to another mother, who had her first baby when she was 17, describe how she had her first four children taken away from her because she came from a "really bad family" and had no support. 

Kate at Early Years Parenting Unit in HollowaySWNS

Early Years Parenting Unit in HollowayGETTY

The Duchess met staff providing the highly specialised treatment programme

Later she met parents taking part in a "theraplay" session that helps the child-parent relationship. 

One little boy, 18-month-old Le'Jaun was taken with her.

"What's this strange woman?" his mother, Amber, 19, said, as he stared at the Duchess. Amber has been receiving treatment at the centre for four months to help her cope with anxiety attacks.  "I don't think the work that is done here is publicised enough, Amber said, praising the help she has received.

It was the latest in a series of royal engagements for the Duchess designed to draw attention to child mental health issues. She is a champion of early intervention and working with the whole family to resolve problems with children.

The unit in Holloway opened in April 2011 and offers an assessment and treatment programme for groups of parents with personality disorders, and their children under five, who are at risk of being taken into care. 

The treatment aims to address the parents’ personality disorders - often the result of abuse, trauma and addiction in their families - help deal with the children's developmental needs, and improve the parent-child relationship.

Staff at the centre try ultimately to keep families together and help parents become more aware of and responsive to their children's needs.

Later Kate met privately with families who have benefited from another of the centre's early years service, Parent Infant Psychotherapy (PIP). The PIP service supports expecting and new parents, advising them about the impact of a new baby. 

It was the Duchess' second visit to the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families since she became patron in May last year.

Peter Fonagy, the chief executive of the Anna Freud Centre, said: "The Duchess is stimulating interest in similar services throughout the country and right across the world."

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