Queen’s pink outfit brightens up rainy garden party as guests huddle under umbrellas

GUESTS huddled under umbrellas in the rain as the Queen's season of Buckingham Palace garden parties got off to a soggy start today.

By Richard Palmer Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

Queen ElizabethPA/ GETTY

The Queen, 90, brightened up the day in a shocking pink Stewart Parvin outfit

But the Queen, 90, brightened up the day in a shocking pink Stewart Parvin outfit while she and Prince Philip, 94, chatted to some of the 8,000 guests gathered in the 40-acre palace garden. 

They were joined by Prince Andrew and the Countess of Wessex at the first garden party of the year. 

The monarch told Canadian guests she sympathised with those forced to flee from wildfires that have ravaged huge swathes of land around the city of Fort McMurray in Alberta. 

Bryce Adams, who is currently posted with NATO forces is Northwood, said: "She asked about the fires in Canada. 

"I'm from Alberta. She asked me about the conditions and if anybody I knew was affected. 

"She was sympathising with the drastic conditions that are occurring right now. 

"It was fantastic to get to meet her." 

Lonnie Fleischhaker, from Regina, Canada, who is also posted in Northwood, said: "We were talking about the wildfires in Alberta and she was extending her thoughts, which was very nice." 

The Queen also spoke to Metropolitan Police Commander Lucy D'Orsi, who was in charge of policing for Chinese President Xi Jinping's State visit last October. 

But the Queen, 90, brightened up the day in a shocking pink Stewart Parvin outfit while she and Prince Philip, 94, chatted to some of the 8,000 guests gathered in the 40-acre palace garden. 

They were joined by Prince Andrew and the Countess of Wessex at the first garden party of the year. 

The monarch told Canadian guests she sympathised with those forced to flee from wildfires that have ravaged huge swathes of land around the city of Fort McMurray in Alberta. 

Bryce Adams, who is currently posted with NATO forces is Northwood, said: "She asked about the fires in Canada. 

"I'm from Alberta. She asked me about the conditions and if anybody I knew was affected. 

"She was sympathising with the drastic conditions that are occurring right now. 

"It was fantastic to get to meet her." 

Lonnie Fleischhaker, from Regina, Canada, who is also posted in Northwood, said: "We were talking about the wildfires in Alberta and she was extending her thoughts, which was very nice." 

The Queen also spoke to Metropolitan Police Commander Lucy D'Orsi, who was in charge of policing for Chinese President Xi Jinping's State visit last October. 

The queenPA

The monarch told Canadian guests she sympathised with those forced to flee from wildfires

Queen ElizabethPA

The Queen was joined by Prince Andrew and the Countess of Wessex for the garden party

She was sympathising with the drastic conditions that are occurring right now

Bryce Adams, who is currently posted with NATO forces is Northwood

She said: "We were talking about juggling being a working mum. 

"I said the diversity of my day - sometimes you are in charge of the Chinese State Visit and then at home in the evening you are at home being a mum. 

"Then mum was talking about being a grandmother and reflecting..." 

Her mum Judith Copson interjected: "That you can give the children back in the evening and have fun with them by day. 

"She said she thoroughly understood that." 

Commander D'Orsi said: "They were both obviously reflecting on enjoying being grandparents." 

She added: "For her to say thank you for all the hard work for me doing the Chinese State visit is really rewarding." 

The Queen also spoke to IT teacher and Chinese martial arts expert Yukshan Lui 53, from Belfast. 

He said: "She presented a medal to my dad 60 years ago in Hong Kong. 

"My dad was in the Hong Kong army." 

She was sympathising with the drastic conditions that are occurring right now

Bryce Adams, who is currently posted with NATO forces is Northwood

She said: "We were talking about juggling being a working mum. 

"I said the diversity of my day - sometimes you are in charge of the Chinese State Visit and then at home in the evening you are at home being a mum. 

"Then mum was talking about being a grandmother and reflecting..." 

Her mum Judith Copson interjected: "That you can give the children back in the evening and have fun with them by day. 

"She said she thoroughly understood that." 

Commander D'Orsi said: "They were both obviously reflecting on enjoying being grandparents." 

She added: "For her to say thank you for all the hard work for me doing the Chinese State visit is really rewarding." 

The Queen also spoke to IT teacher and Chinese martial arts expert Yukshan Lui 53, from Belfast. 

He said: "She presented a medal to my dad 60 years ago in Hong Kong. 

"My dad was in the Hong Kong army." 

Queen ElizabethGETTY

The monarch spoke with David Cameron during a reception in Buckingham Palace earlier in the day

Queen Elizabeth II Timeline

He added: "I asked her, would she like to go back to visit Hong Kong sometime? And she said long journeys are not suitable for her. 

"She looks so young and fit. 

"She's very alert for her age. 

"It's amazing." 

Around 8000 guests attend each garden party and between them they consume 27,000 cups of tea, 20,000 sandwiches, 20,000 slices of cake and are attended by around 400 staff.

Queen Elizabeth II Timeline

He added: "I asked her, would she like to go back to visit Hong Kong sometime? And she said long journeys are not suitable for her. 

"She looks so young and fit. 

"She's very alert for her age. 

"It's amazing." 

Around 8000 guests attend each garden party and between them they consume 27,000 cups of tea, 20,000 sandwiches, 20,000 slices of cake and are attended by around 400 staff.

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