Prince William and Kate visited a slum in Mumbai

THE Duke and Duchess of Cambridge saw the extremes of life in India today on a visit to a slum beside one of Mumbai's wealthiest areas.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

William and Kate in MumbaiGETTY

William and Kate went to the 12th century Banganga Water Tank in Mumbai

William and Kate made their way to the 12th century Banganga Water Tank in the Malabar Hill area of Mumbai where more than 10,000 people live in 1,500 tiny breezeblock two-storey huts crammed into narrow alleyways beside one of the wealthiest districts of the city of 20 million.

On a small patch of dust known as the maidan, or square, the future King and Queen chatted to slum dwellers who said they had never been visited by their own country's politicians or celebrities.

William challenged one boy, who has graduated from the teeming alleys to become a dancer in a Bollywood movie, to a hip hop dancing competition - but then bottled out despite Kate's chiding.

He and Kate both took on children at football target practice but, unlike the young players, the president of the Football Association and his wife both failed to hit a red cone that served as the target from seven yards away.

The children are street smart

Anaxi Shah

The royal couple chose to visit the slum to meet representatives of a charity called SMILE that focuses on giving skills and opportunities to young people and their parents.

The charity, Society Moved to Instil Love with Empathy, was set up in 1997 by a woman who lives in the Banganga slum. It helps put children through school and find women work in a jewellery-making small enterprise.

William and Kate were shown around the area by Anaxi Shah, founder of SMILE, which runs 14 schools and women's empowerment projects across several areas in south Mumbai.

Kate kicking a footballGETTY

The Royal couple took on children at football target practice

Bang means arrow and Ganga is holy water in Hindi. In Hindu folklore, the borehole, a declared national heritage site forming of the Walkeshwar temple complex, was created when Lord Rama shot an arrow into the ground to find drinking water for his wife Sita.

At the water tank, the couple were welcomed by children dancing and playing lezim steel drums. The couple were each given a tika traditional welcome spot on their foreheads and then scattered petals in a banyan leaf in the water tank as an offering.

With 6ft 3in William crouching down at times to avoid concrete ledges above, the couple headed down a 4ft wide alleyway into the heart of the slum past cramped homes which have running water and electricity but no toilets.

Inside a 20ft by 15ft room that serves as a temple and community centre, William and Kate took off their shoes - Kate going barefoot and William in black socks - met women making jewellery as part of a community enterprise. They were given a gift hamper containing necklaces, earrings and other products sold across the city.

William and Kate in Mumbai playing footballGETTY

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge failed to hit the football target

It was the proudest day of her life for Mrs Shah, SMILE's founder and president, who has devoted the last 20 years of her life to helping the people of the slum overcome their lack of opportunities.

"The children are street smart. They are very smart," she said.

"Since 1997 42 children have gone to college. When you start out asking them what they want to do they say mechanics or shop assistants but now we have accountants, people in commerce and in medicine. It makes us feel very proud."

In the dusty square, as residents sought vantage points from upstairs windows and ledges, the couple met some of SMILE's success stories.

Among them was Siddesh Tirloskar, 19, a university student and dancer who performed in the Bollywood movie Jaggajases after SMILE sent him to Mumbai's prestigious Sharma Dawar Dance Academy on condition that he continued to pursue his academic studies.

When Kate met Siddesh, who combines his dance career with studying for a university degree in commerce, and found out he was a dancer, she said: "You'll have to give William some lessons."

Kate and William in MumbaiGETTY

Prince William and Kate were given a tika traditional welcome spot on their foreheads

Told that Siddesh did ballet as well as contemporary dance, William said: "Really? Impressive. It's a hard art to master."

Rashly, the Prince, a fan of hip hop, then challenged Siddesh to a hip hop dancing competition.

"Let's see some of your breakdancing moves,' he said, before the young dancer launched into an impressive routine, leaping in the air and throwing some shapes.

"Now you," said Kate, nudging her husband.

Kate and William in India taking part in sports

"No, no," said William, laughing. "I think Siddesh has done a very hard performance, especially in flip flops. Very nice to meet you. Your dancing is very good. All the best," he added, moving on swiftly.

Laughing afterwards, Siddesh said: "I thought he was going to do it too but he didn't."

A few yards away, the royal couple watched children being put through their paces by football coach Ashok Rathod. They were practising hitting a red come between two orange ones with a pass from seven yards.

Will and Kate walking in Mumbai slumGETTY

William and Kate were shown around the area by the founder of SMILE

"The red one? I'm going to bend it," said William, missing the target. "Oh, I thought you meant the back one," he added before the ball also missed a red come sites a further 10 yards away.

In her wedges, Kate gamely had a go too but missed the target. "We both missed. That's terrible," she said.

One of the boys, Nikhil Mandal, 12, then showed them how to use it. Asked what he thought of the couple's football skills, he diplomatically replied: "Fine."

Kate and William taking part in sports in India

Ashok, the coach, said it had been a dream come true for the children and others in the neighbourhood to meet the couple.

Asked if Indian politicians, sports stars or other celebrities had ever visited the slum, he said: "Never."

He added: "We never thought that Prince William and Princess Kate would visit a slum and talk to the children. For us this is a big thing. It's like a dream come true."

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