Ma'am your carriage awaits... Queen takes train to Sandringham to begin Christmas holidays

IT's the picture that says Christmas is almost here: the Queen took the train to Sandringham today for her annual festive stay at her Norfolk retreat.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

The Queen getting on a trainTIM CLARKE/REX

The Queen and Prince Philip caught the train to begin their seasonal stay at Sandringham today

Smiling broadly in a bright pink coat, the 89-year-old monarch and her consort Prince Philip, 94, took the scheduled 1044 service from London King's Cross to King's Lynn to begin their seasonal stay at Sandringham.

They sat in a cordoned off First Class carriage and were believed to be travelling on £54.90 First Class tickets for the 1 hour 37 minute journey on the Great Northern service.

Witnesses said the Queen spent much of the journey looking at a mini-iPad, while Philip took a book for the journey.

They were driven to Sandringham House, about seven miles from King's Lynn, after greeting station staff when their service arrived two minutes late at 12.23

The nation's matriarch and her husband will be joined at Sandringham House by other members of the Royal Family over the Christmas break.

The big house will be rammed with guests, with police and senior aides often forced to sleep in offices or in properties on other parts of the 20,000-acre Sandringham estate.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and their children, Prince George and Princess Charlotte, will spend Christmas at their 10-bedroom country house, Anmer Hall, on the Sandringham estate.

The Queen on a trainTIM CLARKE

The Royals sat in a cordoned off First Class carriage for the 90 minute journey

William and Kate will join other family members at church on Christmas Day morning.

They will decide nearer the time whether to take the chlldren to church.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte joined the wider Royal Family at a Buckingham Palace party yesterday.

Displaying a mop of cute blond hair and dressed smartly to see his great grandmother, George was spotted in the back seat of the family Range Rover going into the palace for the Queen’s annual pre-Christmas family lunch.

In a white shirt with blue trim and navy cardigan, the future King, now almost two and a half, gazed pensively out of the window. 

His chin rested on his hand as he contemplated the tourist crowds and press photographers that will one day become an inevitable part of his life.

With his mother, the Duchess of Cambridge, sitting beside him in the back, there was no time to say hello though.

Their police driver put his foot down and accelerated the Range Rover through the palace gates past the throng.

Prince Harry, sitting in the front passenger seat, was on uncle duties as George and his sister Princess Charlotte were taken to the palace.

The Queen arriving at Kings CrossTIM CLARKE

The Royals took the scheduled 1044 service from London King's Cross to King's Lynn

It was not clear if Charlotte was in the Range Rover or in a following car containing the children’s Spanish nanny, Maria Teresa Turrion Borrallo, but royal sources confirmed that the seven-month-old Princess was at the lunch.

The children’s father, the Duke of Cambridge, was absent from the gathering of the Windsor clan.

He was attending a memorial service in Mere, Wiltshire, for John Pelly, the father of his close friend, Guy Pelly.

Mr Pelly, 77, a former car salesman who owned two garages in Kent, died last month following a short illness.

It was all very different from the mood at the palace, where the traditional pre-Christmas lunch is a chance for between 30 and 40 members of the extended Royal Family to get together.

Guests include relatives unable to stay with the Queen at Sandringham over the festive period because of lack of space or other commitments.

Prince Charles and The QueenREX

The Queen and Prince Charles are expected to be joined by other members of the Royal Family

Inside, the children are all presented in turn to the Queen and little gifts are laid out for them on chairs along a corridor in an effort to keep them occupied during the festive meal.

Last year George was spotted clutching a book called Dig, Dig Digging when he emerged alongside his nanny, Miss Borrallo.

In an interview with the Big Issue magazine earlier this week, William, 33, said: “Well, if I get any sleep on Christmas Eve it’ll be good, because George will be bouncing around like a rabbit. I think George will be extremely bouncy this year because he’s suddenly worked out what Christmas is all about.”

Prince Charles and Camilla were among other guests yesterday, along with Mike and Zara Tindall and their daughter Mia, who will be two next month.

Prince Andrew, Princess Eugenie, Prince Edward and his wife Sophie, and Princess Anne’s husband Sir Tim Laurence were also spotted along with Princess Michael, the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, the Duke and Duchess of Kent, Lord Freddie Windsor and his wife Sophie.

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