'Come on ladies, Harry is here' Michelle Obama whoops as royal visits female soldiers

AS warm-up acts go, they don’t much come bigger. US First Lady Michelle Obama gave Prince Harry a big hug and got women in the audience at a military base whooping after introducing him today.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

prince harry and michelle obamaGETTY

Prince Harry with Michelle Obama. The royal also met injured servicemen and the US President

“Come on ladies, Prince Harry is here. Don’t act like you don’t care,” she said, prompting wild whooping from the female military personnel and relatives at Fort Belvoir base in Virginia.

After that sort of warm-up act, the Prince, who met wounded servicemen and women undergoing rehabilitation at the base, wooed the crowd with an impassioned speech in which he explained how his experiences in Afghanistan had changed the direction of his life and persuaded him to dedicate it to helping wounded veterans live fulfilled lives.

“I am in no doubt that my two deployments to Afghanistan changed the direction of my life,” he told them.

prince harry in virginia baseREUTERS

Prince Harry wants to raise awareness foir the Invictus Games in the US

jill biden joins the other twoAP

Wife of the Vice President, Jill Biden, joined the British Royal at First Lady

“There is very little that can truly prepare you for the reality of war. The experiences can be start and long lasting.

“Returning to the UK after my first deployment, I shared the flight home with three critically injured British soldiers, all in induced comas, and the body of a Danish soldier, killed in action.

“It hit me then that this flight was one of many carrying home men and women whose lives would be changed for ever, and some who had made the ultimate sacrifice.

“From that moment, I knew I had a responsibility to help all veterans, who had made huge personal sacrifices for their countries, to lead healthy and dignified lives after service.”

Prince Harry plays wheelchair rugby at the Invictus games

The fifth in line to the throne, who is in the United States to help raise awareness of his second Invictus Games for wounded warriors in Orlando, Florida next May, joined Mrs Obama and Jill Biden, the wife of Vice President Joe Biden on a tour of Fort Belvoir.

Later, Harry met US president Barack Obama in the Oval Office at the White House for the first time. He had to wait almost a year longer than his elder brother, Prince William, who went there last December to discuss his crusade to save elephants, rhinos, tigers and other animals from poachers.

The 31-year-old Prince discussed his plans to bring his Paralympic-style Invictus Games for wounded military veterans, modelled on the US Warrior Games, to Orlando.

tour of army camp in virginiaAP

Mrs Biden visited the UK in 2014 and saw athletes competing in the inaugural Invictus Games


Tens of thousands turned out to show their support as Prince Harry told his audience about the games


The second Invictus Games will take place in Orlando in May next year

President Obama praised the Games and thanked Harry for his service in Afghanistan alongside American troops. “It is a testament to the special relationship, the incredible bond that we share between our two countries, and that bond continues into the next generation of leadership that His Royal Highness represents," he told the White House press corps.

For his part, Harry thanked the President for his hospitality and the US for giving him the idea. “We had huge amounts of fun, designing the Invictus Games based around stealing the Warrior Games off yourselves, and making it international, and making it better, and giving it back to you," he said.

The Prince is working closely with Mrs Obama and Mrs Biden, who are both keen supporters of forces' families in the US. In 2011 they launched Joining Forces, an initiative that called on Americans to rally round veterans and provide education and employment opportunities for them.

Prince Harry with Barack ObamaGETTY

Prince Harry with Barack Obama in the Oval Office

Prince Harry and Barack ObamaAFP • GETTY

Prince Harry shakes hands with Barack Obama in the Oval Office

During the visit to Fort Belvoir, the party toured the USO (United Service Organisations) Warrior and Family Centre, a state-of-the art facility specifically designed to support wounded, injured or ill troops, their families and carers.

At Fort Belvoir, the Prince told his audience: “Last year at the first Invictus Games, we saw over 400 competitors
from 13 nations competing in the iconic venues of the London Olympics. Audiences of tens of thousands turned out to show their support. The games epitomised the very best of the human spirit.

Prince HarryREUTERS

Prince Harry hugs Sgt. Roderic Liggens while meeting wounded servicemen

Harry with Michelle ObamaREUTERS

Harry laughs after Michelle Obama caught a basketball

“Men and women who had not only adjusted to life, but embraced it, proving what can be achieved post injury, rather than focusing on what cannot.”

He said he, Mrs Obama and Dr Biden all agreed on the need to break down barriers, particularly those with so-called invisible injuries such as post-traumatic stress.

“This is a topic I know the First Lady and Dr Biden are working hard to highlight so that people are no longer afraid to ask for help,” he said. “This fear of coming forward, as a result of the stigma which surrounds mental health, is one of the greatest challenges veterans face.

People from all walks of life struggle with issues like post-traumatic stress, anxiety, and depression, not just veterans.

“We have to help them all to get the support they need, without fear of being judged or discriminated against.

Not only is it ok to talk about it, we have to talk about it.”

He added:  “I am sure the American public will embrace the Invictus Games, just as the British public did in 2014. I can’t wait to see you all in Orlando. You better bring it, USA.”

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