EXCLUSIVE: Prince Charles to miss State banquet because ‘he’s in need of rest’

PRINCE Charles to miss a state banquet for China’s president Xi Jinping tomorrow because he needs an evening off, sources say.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince CharlesGETTY

Prince Charles will miss a palace banquet in order to take some rest

The heir to the throne, who will be 67 next month, has denied claims he is boycotting the Buckingham Palace banquet in protest at China’s continuing occupation of Tibet.

Instead he says that he needs rest time ahead of a busy schedule which will see him on duty abroad for almost the whole of November.

The Prince has taken on increasing duties, particularly long-haul travel, as his parents slow down.

In 2014 he was the busiest royal for the seventh year in a row with 533 duties, but recently his office has limited his official commitments in an effort to buy him “downtime”.

Prince CharlesGETTY

The palace has denied that the Prince is boycotting the banquet

Clarence House has insisted that Charles and Camilla will be fully involved in President Xi and his wife Peng Liyuan’s four-day state visit to Britain which starts tomorrow.

They will accompany the couple at a ceremonial welcome, attend a palace lunch, and Charles will hold one-on-one talks with the president.

But the Prince, who in 1997 famously condemned China’s ageing communist leaders as “appalling old waxworks”, will stay away from the banquet, prompting reports that he wanted to register concerns about China’s occupation of Tibet and its human rights record.

His office declined to explain his absence but, according to wellinformed sources, he is looking to “claw back” time off as part of a wider attempt to get some respite in a hectic schedule.

Commitments this year have included trips to Washington, Turkey and Qatar.

I think you know the president is here for cooperation, for partnership. He is not here for debate about human rights

Liu Xiaoming, The Chinese ambassador to the UK

One source said: “Perhaps he has not been in public view quite as much as he often is in October but that’s because he has got such a busy time ahead. By the end of this year he’ll have done seven foreign tours. He normally only does three. He’s abroad virtually the whole of November.

“There was always going to be an issue with his time during the state visit but he has built in time with the president when they can talk. The state banquet is a lovely celebratory event but it’s not the central event and it’s not one where there’s an opportunity to chat at length and build up a working relationship.”

Xi JinpingGETTY

President Xi Jinping will be visiting the UK

In November the Prince will tour New Zealand and Australia with Camilla, then the couple will join the Queen and Prince Philip at the Commonwealth Heads meeting in Malta.

There is speculation it might be the last biennial summit attended by the 89-year-old monarch, leaving Charles to take over.

Charles is sensitive to claims that his involvement in issues such as Tibet might damage the traditional neutrality of the monarchy.

Prince CharlesGETTY

The palace say that Prince Charles will fully take part in events tomorrow

But he is unlikely to welcome suggestions that his age might become a factor in his ability to perform his duties even before he becomes king.‎

The Chinese ambassador to the UK, Liu Xiaoming, yesterday dismissed speculation that human rights rows would dominate the state visit.

Interviewed on BBC’s The Andrew Marr Show, he said: “I think you know the president is here for cooperation, for partnership. He is not here for debate about human rights.”

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