Prince William takes the controls for Battle of Britain flight

PRINCE William took to the skies in a vintage plane during a memorial flight at RAF Coningsbury yesterday.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince William in a planceINF PHOTO

The Prince took control of the vintage aircraft while it was in the air

William – an air ambulance helicopter pilot – flew the Chipmunk training craft for all but the take-off and landing, sitting in the cockpit in front of Squadron Leader Duncan Mason. Their plane was joined by a Spitfire and the two flew in formation.

The prince said seeing the wartime fighter in the air alongside was “fantastic”.

Squadron Leader Mason, the officer commanding the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight, said: “The great thing about the Prince is he’s a pilot and he just instantly engaged.”

he great thing about the Prince is he’s a pilot and he just instantly engaged

Squadron Leader Mason

William, 33, patron of the memorial flight, also met veterans of the aerial conflict.

He is also Honorary Air Commandant of Coningsby, the Lincolnshire base which is home to 29 (Reserve) Squadron which trains the RAF’s Typhoon pilots and is celebrating its centenary this year.

The prince took the salute at the 100th-anniversary parade of the squadron which has been scrambled a number of times in recent months to check out Russian military aircraft identified flying close to UK air space.

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