Camilla treated to snakeskin handbag on Colombia trip…as Charles models a traditional hat

THE DUCHESS of Cornwall has been presented with a gift to mark her first day in Colombia – a luxury snakeskin handbag.

By Aaron Brown , Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall is presented with a handbag by Colombian designer Mario Hernandez Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall is presented with a handbag by Colombian designer Mario Hernandez [GETTY]

After touching down in capital Bogota, Camilla was presented with the snakeskin gift by the founder of a leading South American luxury brand, Mario Hernandez.

Camilla and Prince Charles today began their four-day visit to Colombia to "highlight and promote the partnership" between Britain and the South American country.

There's a great enthusiasm to get to know Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall

Ambassador Croisdale-Appleby

Olga Lucia de Hernandez, wife and business partner to designer Mario Hernandez, described the handbag crafted for the Duchess.

She said: "We created the evening bag because we know she has a lot of evening events. 

"The fact they've come to our country means they really admire our country." 

Mr and Mrs Hernandez revealed they had also crafted a "casual" handbag for the Duchess of Cambridge, which they gave Camilla to take back to the UK for Prince William's pregnant wife Kate.

The royal visit has generated a buzz of excitement throughout the nation, according to British ambassador Lindsay Croisdale-Appleby.

The ambassador and his wife, Barbara, met Charles and Camilla on the tarmac of a military airport in Bogota when their chartered aircraft landed yesterday.

Ambassador Croisdale-Appleby said: "I have a lot of contact obviously with the [President Juan Manuel] Santos government and contact more broadly with Colombians and there's a very palpable degree of excitement about the visit. 

"There's a great enthusiasm to get to know Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall."

Prince Charles, Prince of Wales is presented with a Colombian Football shirt during a receptionPrince Charles, Prince of Wales is presented with a Colombian Football shirt during a reception [GETTY]

Colombia is recovering from decades of violent civil conflict that stifled the nation's prospects.

But its growing stability should strengthen its role in the region and the world. In the past, the threat from armed guerrilla groups and drug cartels made a royal visit impossible.

But the decrease in violence and improved security situation means the nation is now able to welcome Camilla and Charles – something which would never have been sanctioned a decade ago, confirmed the ambassador.

The Prince and Duchess' deputy private secretary Simon Martin set out the themes of the visit.

He said: "The programme will highlight and promote the partnership that already exists between Britain and both Colombia and Mexico in areas including sustainability and combating climate change, expanding trade and investment, creating opportunities for young people, responsible business, historical and cultural links and supporting victims of domestic and sexual violence.

"Also, we'll highlight defence links and the fight against drugs and crime."

The royal couple's trip will include a visit to Colombia's Caribbean-influenced city of Cartagena and to the Macarena National Park, found in the south of the country.

Meanwhile, Charles will be travelling to one of Colombia's natural wonders – the Cano Cristales river, known as the liquid rainbow, later today.

During certain months of the year the river appears to sparkle vibrant shades of red, blue, yellow, orange and green emitted by the colourful aquatic plants growing in the waters.

Charles and Camilla will complete their Colombian visit with a sunset ceremony aboard HMS Argyll, moored in Cartagena.

The Prince, who was still a naval officer during his last visit to Colombia in 1974, will take part in this ceremony as Admiral of the Fleet.

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