Smiling Queen arrives at Sandringham for the Christmas festivities

IT's the picture that says Christmas is almost here for the Royal Family and the rest of us.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

The Queen and Prince Phillip arrive at King 039 s Lynn station The Queen and Prince Phillip arrive at King's Lynn station [GETTY]

With a gleeful smile, the Queen kicked off her festive break at Sandringham today when she arrived at King's Lynn on a scheduled train service from London.

She and the Duke of Edinburgh sat with aides in a first class carriage on the four-coach 10.44 First Capital Connect service from King's Cross, their customary route these days to their Norfolk retreat.

It is believed that they each paid the standard first class rail fare of £52 for the journey.

The train arrived bang on time at King’s Lynn at 12.22pm after a 1hr and 38min journey via Cambridge and Ely.

The 87-year-old monarch was wearing a grey and white checked overcoat and one of her trademark headscarves, coloured grey white and yellow, as she walked 30 yards along a platform and left the station by a side entrance.

 The Queen arrived with Prince Philip at King's Lynn [GETTY]


Prince Philip, 92, was wearing a smart blue blazer and a red tie and walked a few yards behind her.

A chauffeur-driven green Range Rover, with the Queen’s mascot of a silver gundog on the bonnet, was waiting to drive them the 10 miles to the Sandringham estate.

Derek Ward, 70, of King’s Lynn who was on the train with his wife Ann, 54, said: "We knew the Queen was due to catch the train one day this week and it was a great coincidence for us that she was on our train.

"I saw her and the Duke sitting in their carriage next to each other, but on opposite sides of the alleyway, before the train set off. The Queen was chatting to the Duke.”

After much discussion of his holiday reading this time last year, Philip removed the paper sleeve from his book for the journey, meaning only the plain black hardback cover was visible.

 The Queen wore a herringbone coat and scarf [Albanpix]

"He was grinning as he came off the train with a brown briefcase in his right hand the book in his left hand," an onlooker said. "it was pretty obvious that he didn't want anyone to know what book he was reading because he had taken the cover off it.

“I guess he felt he had been caught out last year when people realised he had been reading about Attila the Hun and he was not going to make the same mistake again.”

Last year Philip raised eyebrows by coming off the train with a book entitled The End of Empire, Attila The Hun And The Fall Of Rome. The hardback book by Christopher Kelly, first published in 2010, tells how the savage warrior king ravaged Rome in the 5th century.

The Queen and Philip are due to stay at Sandringham until after the February 6 anniversary of the monarch's accession following the death of her father George VI in 1952. The royal couple are likely to be joined by most members of the Royal Family over the Christmas break.

Philip, who spent the summer recovering at Balmoral following abdominal surgery, looked in good health.

Roger Perkins, a spokesman for First Capital Connect, said: "We're thrilled The Queen and Prince Philip chose once again to travel with First Capital Connect to begin their Christmas holiday at Sandringham.


"It is a real honour for the company and hugely exciting for the staff who were lucky enough to meet them.

"Her Majesty passed through our Grade II listed station at King's Lynn which, with the help of the community, we have been refurbishing in a 1940s heritage style.

"We hope she liked what she saw, especially when she passed through the refurbished 'Queen's Gate' side entrance."

"A first class single from London to King's Lynn is £52 and with a senior railcard £34.30. Arrangements for her ticket - which is paid for - are made with the Royal Household and cannot be discussed."

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