Queen starts Palace celebrations

THE Royals started the baby celebrations early last night with a star-studded concert in the magnificent grounds of Buckingham Palace

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent, Jimmy McCloskey

The Queen hosts a party in the Palace grounds to celebrate the 60th anniversary of her coronation The Queen hosts a party in the Palace grounds to celebrate the 60th anniversary of her coronation

The Queen and soon-to-be grandparents were treated to an evening of opera during a lavish gala which marked the 60th anniversary of the Coronation.

Dame Kiri Te Kanawa started proceedings with a rousing rendition of the national anthem.

She was later joined by Katherine Jenkins and the English National Ballet in the first of three evenings of music and dance highlighting cultural life during the Queen's reign.

Sitting in the royal box on either side of the monarch were the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall.

At one stage the heavily pregnant Duchess of Cambridge was even said to have considered attending.

buckingham, palace, concrt, royal, queen, babyThe Palace saw performances from Katherine Jenkins and the English National Ballet


Her parents Carole and Michael Middleton and siblings James and Pippa took their place in the royal box while they waited for the latest edition to the family.

Nearby was a radiant Zara Phillips, who announced this week that she was pregnant, alongside the Earl and Countess of Wessex and the Duke of York and his daughter Princess Eugenie.

The event was part of the Coronation Festival, featuring displays by 200 firms that hold Royal Warrants to supply goods to the royal household.

The Queen had toured the festival in a chauffeur-driven golf buggy, one of three electric carts owned by the Royal Collection Trust for use around the 40-acre gardens.

Meanwhile, Prince Charles and Camilla told of their excitement at the forthcoming birth.

"Well, it won't be long now," said Charles, 64, as he and Camilla toured the exhibits.

Camilla, who will be 66 on Wednesday, one of the bookies' favourites for the birth date, admitted that they were all on tenterhooks.

"Yes, we are very excited, immensely looking forward to it and waiting for the phone call," she told Amanda Love, whose husband Andrew is deputy chairman of The Ritz.

Yesterday the rumour mill went into overdrive with countless false stories on the internet that the 31-year-old Duchess had already gone into hospital or even had her baby.

katherine, jenkins, palace, performanceKathering Jenkins on stage duing her Palace performance

As the world's media camped outside St Mary's Hospital in Paddington, west London, there were false sightings of the expectant parents and even a bizarre story that Kate had given birth to a boy on Wednesday.

Prince William, who plans to be at the birth, is on duty as an RAF search and rescue helicopter pilot on the Isle of Anglesey at times over the coming days and plans have been drawn up to fly him to London at short notice if Kate goes into labour.

He has said he will be playing polo this weekend if there is no sign of the baby's arrival.


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