Prince Charles’ big bill for Wills, Kate and Harry

PRINCE Charles is paying £1million a year to support his sons and the Duchess of Cambridge in their official duties, it emerged yesterday.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Kate William and Harry cost Prince Charles 1million per year Kate, William and Harry cost Prince Charles £1million per year

But he may struggle to foot the bill if Prince William, Kate, and Prince Harry take on more royal work as the Queen and Prince Philip slow down.

Things may come to a head if William quits his job as an RAF helicopter pilot to be a full-time royal.

Buckingham Palace receives the bulk of the taxpayers’ £36million Sovereign Grant to the Royal Family.


Charles himself pays for much of the work involving Camilla, William, Kate and Harry including, say sources, the young royals’ St James’s Palace office and their travel by car on official UK duties.

Charles’s principal private secretary William Nye said: “Whatever the Duke of Cambridge’s plans, the Prince of Wales would have to look carefully at how he continues to fund the official activities of the staff and support for the five senior members of the Royal Family whom he is paying for.”

The money comes from the profits of Charles’s estate, the Duchy of Cornwall, a record £19million in the past year, according to his official accounts published yesterday.

William, Kate and Harry employ the full-time equivalent of 10.5 staff, compared to 148.3 for Charles and Camilla, but they would need more if they increase their royal duties.

Charles paid £4.4million in income tax on the Duchy’s profits after deducting expenses, the accounts revealed.

The Commons Public Accounts Committee will question royal officials next month about why Charles pays no corporation or capital gains tax.

Aides say it is because the Duchy is not a corporation.


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