Duchess of Cambridge to have a natural birth at the same hospital Prince William was born

SHE may be a future Queen but she is not too posh to push.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

The Duke Duchess of Cambridge do not know the sex of their unborn child WENN The Duke & Duchess of Cambridge do not know the sex of their unborn child (WENN)

The Duchess of Cambridge has forsaken a Caesarean section and opted for a natural birth for her first baby in a private wing of a London hospital next month.

Kate’s birth plan at the Lindo Wing of St Mary's Hospital, Paddington, for a potential future King or Queen will be welcomed by doctors concerned that a rise in the number of mothers choosing a Caesarean to avoid a strenuous labour is placing extra strains on the National Health Service as well as private hospitals.

Around one in four women now has her baby by Caesarean and, although the majority are medical emergencies, there is growing evidence of the too posh to push syndrome. In Britain’s most expensive postcodes the figure for Caesareans is around one in three.

Prince William and Kate have also veered away from a growing trend of parents wanting to know the gender of their baby. The second in line to the throne and his wife do not know the sex of the baby, due in mid-July, and want it to be a surprise, according to aides who have revealed their plans to handle worldwide interest in the biggest royal event since the couple's wedding.

There had been speculation that Kate had inadvertently revealed she was having a girl in Grimsby in March when a woman well-wisher thought she had started to accept a gift for her but sources have confirmed what she subsequently told the crowd that the couple have no idea.

The Duchess of cambridge, Caesarean, natural birth, royal babay, kate middleton, prince william, St Mary's hospital Kate, 31, is planning on having a natural birth at St Mary's Hospital (WENN)

“The Duke and Duchess don’t know the sex of their baby and have decided not to find out beforehand,” said one.

St James’s Palace has declined to discuss their choice of hospital but sources close to the couple have confirmed it is the hot favourite, the Lindo Wing at St Mary’s.

The 16-bed private unit, which charges around £5,000 for delivering a baby and around a further £5,000 for a typical deluxe package of extra nights in hospital, is where William and his brother Prince Harry were born.

Aides have drawn up contingency plans to take the Duchess to the Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading, or a hospital in Bangor, near to their home on the Isle of Anglesey, if she goes into labour early or there is a medical emergency. But if she is at Bucklebury and there is time, they are expected to take her into London to the Lindo Wing.

The baby, whose birth will be announced with a combination of traditional theatre and modern communications technology including social media such as Twitter, will immediately supercede Prince Harry as third in line to the throne.

If it is a boy, he is guaranteed to be a future King. If it is a girl, the likelihood is that she will eventually become Queen even if she has a younger brother under plans to change royal succession laws in Britain and the 15 other overseas realms where the Queen is monarch.

 The easel will be placed in the forecourt at Buckingham Palace


However, as the Daily Express revealed on June 10, a legal challenge in Quebec to the way the Canadian government has set about changing the law without consulting the country’s 10 provinces has cast doubt over whether the 16 countries can ultimately implement the legislation.

Royal sources have insisted the couple remain undecided about where to base themselves amid speculation that Kate will move to her parents’ house at Bucklebury, Berkshire, for up to six weeks afterwards while William is finishing his 36-month tour of duty at RAF Valley. He is due to finish there in September.

“They really haven't made up their mind,” said one source.

 The Duchess of Cambridge is to give birth naturally

William and Kate are still living in a two-bedroom cottage at Kensington Palace, while refurbishment continues before they can move into Princess Margaret¹s much grander old apartments at the palace later this year.

In the near future, they are also expected to move into Anmer Hall, a 10-bedroom house on the Queen’s Sandringham estate in Norfolk, which is expected to become their main country home as they embark on the next, exciting stage of their lives.

Palace officials have still not announced what William will do next but it is looking increasingly likely that his next role will allow him to spend plenty of time in Norfolk.

 Duchess of Cambridge is keeping the sex of their baby a mystery


In the meantime, in its only official comment about the birth preparations, St James’s Palace spokesman appealed to the media for sensitive reporting in light of the death of nurse Jacintha Saldanha who worked at the King Edward VII’s hospital where Kate was treated for severe morning sickness in the early stages of her pregnancy.

Ms Saldanha was found dead in December three days after she was duped by two Australian DJ’s into releasing information about Kate's condition.

A palace spokesman said: “Whilst this is a deeply personal and private moment for the Duke and Duchess they recognise of course that it is also a moment of national celebration.

“We appreciate that there will be mass interest in the Duke and Duchess and their baby over the course of the next few months and many people will want to share in their happiness most significantly around the time of the birth.

“We simply appeal to all members of media for the appropriate degree of sensitivity, dignity and privacy in their reporting.

“With the events of King Edward VII's hospital still strong in our memories, we would expect any media covering the Duchess of Cambridge’s hospitalisation to ensure that the normal functions of the hospital are not impeded by any media presence.”

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