Prince Charles: Harry’s shoved off because he knew I was coming

PRINCE Harry was en route to the United States today at the start of a week-long royal tour and missed receiving an operational medal for service in Afghanistan from his father at his Army Air Corps base.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

The Prince of Wales Colonel in Chief of the Army Air Corps speaks with service men and women The Prince of Wales, Colonel in Chief of the Army Air Corps speaks with service men and women

The Prince of Wales, who is Colonel-in-Chief of the Army Air Corps, went to Wattisham Flying Station in Suffolk to present medals to Harry’s unit, 662 Squadron, along with reservists, who served alongside his younger son. Among those on parade was Harry’s wingman, Major Simon Beattie, who received a trophy as the air corps’ best aircraft commander of the year.

Charles, dressed in combat fatigues and the corps’ blue beret, told the parade: “It’s a particular pleasure to see so many of 662 Squadron, which my youngest son serves in, on parade even though he is not here - he shoved off, probably because he knew his ancient parents were coming.

“Having heard from him about your remarkable exploits in Afghanistan I have some better understanding of just what you’re all up to, the challenges you face and constant demands you are under.”

 The Prince of Wales, Colonel in Chief of the Army Air Corps attended the event without Harry

I think we owe the families here an enormous debt of gratitude

Prince Charles

After fretting about his son during his four-month tour of duty as an Apace aircraft co-pilot-gunner in Afghanistan which ended in January, the heir to the throne said he could empathise with the families left behind when soldiers are deployed abroad.

“If it is any consolation, I understand very well just how many demands are faced by service families when you find yourselves required to go here, there and everywhere at short notice,” he said.

“I think we owe the families here an enormous debt of gratitude.”

Harry, 28, a captain in the air corps, is due to arrive in Washington DC tonight on a tour dominated by his wish to champion the cause of troops injured in combat in Afghanistan and other recent conflicts such as Iraq and efforts to help them rehabilitate their lives..

The focal point of his trip is the Warrior Games, a Paralympic-style sporting championship for injured servicemen and women that takes place in Colorado Springs this weekend, with a British team competing against the Americans for the first time.

Helping the wounded warriors adjust to life-changing injuries such as double or triple amputations is a cause he and his brother Prince William have embraced with the same sort of fervour that their mother Princess Diana showed for campaigns to help victims of HIV/Aids and landmines.

In his opening engagement this evening, Harry will perpetuate her work on landmines by visiting a photography exhibition on Capitol Hill staged by the anti-landmine charity HALO Trust.

 Prince Charles with the army corps

Harry, who has a longstanding connection with the charity, visited minefields in Tete Province, Mozambique, in 2010 to meet amputees and see the devasting effect of landmines on some of the world’s poorest people. In March he came patron of the trust’s 25th anniversary appeal.

Tonight he will be escorted around the display, which features images of landmine victims, workers clearing ordnance and former landmine sites, by Senator John McCain before the exhibition at the Russell Senate Rotunda opens to the public tomorrow.

He will also attend a reception for 170 guests at the residence of British ambassador Sir Peter Westmacott and then a dinner.

A St James's Palace spokesman said: "Prince Harry takes a keen and active interest in HALO's work and is delighted to be opening their exhibition as part of his visit to the United States."

Guy Willoughby, CEO of HALO Trust, added: "Wars may be over but there is another war that's just begun. Many people are still unable to resume their normal lives, facing the threat of death or injury by landmines every day.

"This exhibition is a poignant reminder that even though there is still a huge job to be done, demining works and is having a life changing impact for many around the world."

 Prince Harry is travelling to Washington

A crowd of screaming women in the street gave Prince Harry a popstar's welcome when he arrived on Capitol Hill.

Inside the Russell Senate Rotunda, Senate workers, mostly women in ther twenties clutching their camera phones, had managed to bag invitations or find a reason to be there to catch a glimpse of Harry.

Office worker Kati Card, 27, had wangled a special guest invitation to the exhibition. "I wanted to come because Harry is the fun one. He's real," she said. "And a girl can dream. Can't she?"

There were about 500 women outside the building but even inside, many of the female Senate office workers who gathered to catch sight of him found it hard to contain themelves.

Every time Harry came into view, they screamed.

His visit to the US to represent the British Government as well as some of his charities will see him feted by the great and good.

It is intended to showcase him as a modern, hardworking royal in sharp contrast to his last embarrassing visit to the States, when he was photographed naked with a similarly nude young woman during a strip billiards party in a £5,000-a-night hotel suite during a holiday in Las Vegas.

It was a pre-Afghanistan blow-out but when he returned from the war zone in January he admitted he had let himself and his family down.

The third-in-line to the throne and his elder brother are likely to be called upon to undertake more overseas royal duties in the near future after the announcement this week by Buckingham Palace of a review of the Queen’s long-haul travel following her decision to miss her first Commonwealth summit in 42 years and send Charles and Camilla instead to Sri Lanka in November for the next meeting.

"It’s about the physical act of getting on a plane and travelling that distance,” one senior royal aide said. "She hasn’t ruled out travelling abroad in the future but you saw in the Diamond Jubilee year that she stayed in Britain while other members of the Royal Family went abroad to far-flung parts of the Commonwealth and in future that’s what you are likely to see as well."

Harry’s tour  will also take him to New York where he will support the Great Campaign, a Government initiative to promote the UK around the world as a business and cultural destination on the back of the success of the Diamond Jubilee and the London 2012 Olympics.

He will also visit part of New Jersey badly hit by Hurricane Sandy in October last year and attend a baseball in the Big Apple to promote a sports programme involving his Royal Foundation before ending the tour by playing polo in Greenwich, Connecticut, to raise money for Sentebale, the African Aids orphans charity he set up in memory of his mother.

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