Prince Charles and Duchess of Cornwall 'heartbroken' over refugees' horror

PRINCE Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall were overcome by the plight of refugees from the Syrian civil war today after touring a camp for the displaced inside Jordan.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall in Jordan PA Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall in Jordan (PA)

They described the experience of touring the King Abdullah Park camp, which lies seven miles from the Syrian border and is home to just under 1,000 people who have fled the two-year conflict, as "heartbreaking" and "harrowing" after meeting adults and children traumatised by the horrors of what they have experienced.

The heir to the throne and his wife met people who had been tortured and others who pleaded: "Help us please."

Around 70,000 people have died and 1 million people have left their homes during the two years of fighting between the authoritarian government of dictator Bashar Assad and rebels seeking to topple him in the wake of the Arab Spring uprisings in the region.

Britain has agreed to provide increasing support for the rebels, offering non-lethal support such as armoured vehicles, and body armour and on Tuesday Prime Minister David Cameron suggested he was ready to defy a European arms embargo and supply lethal weapons in an effort to bring a decisive end to the conflict.

Charles and Camilla went to the refugee camp on the advice of the Foreign Office, which wanted them to highlight the plight of civilians caught up in the conflict and the efforts Jordan is taking to support them.

Prince charles, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, Jordan, refugees, Syrian civil warThe Duhcess of Cornwall speaks with Syrian refugee women (PA)


Speaking at the refugee camp HQ, Charles said he had been struck by the generosity of the Jordanian people.

"Many of these children have been traumatised by the horrors of what they've witnessed before they got here," he said.

"Some of them have lost their parents and had horrendous experiences and it is remarkable what all these wonderful NGOs (non-governmental organisations) are doing to deal with this unbelievable and heartbreaking situation."

Camilla said she too had found the experience moving. "Seeing all these children, some of them have lost their parents and been adopted by others, I feel it is quite heartbreaking," she said.

"They are doing a fantastic job." The camp is run by the United Nations, the UN children's agency Unicef and Save the Children.

Save the Children's chief executive, Justin Forsyth, welcomed the royal couple's visit to the camp.

Prince Charles, Jordan, Syrian warThe Royal shook hands with refugees at the King Abdullah Refugee Camp (PA)

"Their presence will help publicise the plight of the one million refugees - half of them children - who have had to flee their homes to escape the war," he said.

"There are still two million children inside Syria. If action is not taken soon to bring this conflict to an end, the physical and mental harm done to them could irreparably damage a generation of children."

The King Abdullah Park camp is currently home to 921 refugees, Unicef said, of whom 529 are aged under 18.

Every day, 250 of them are attending a local Jordanian state school, it said.

The UN agency and the Jordanian Ministry of Health in also undertaking a vaccination programme against polio and measles and ensuring sanitation in the camps to keep diseases at bay.

The children are also given counselling to help them recover from the trauma of being in a war zone.

More than 330,000 Syrians have sought refuge in Jordan since the war began, according to Unicef figures. A spokesman for the agency said 1,700 refugees were registered in Jordan in the past 24 hours and on average 7,000 a day were crossing the border to flee.

Prince charles, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, Jordan, refugees, Syrian civil warPrince Charles spent a lot of time listening to everyone's stories and experiences (PA)

Around 40,000 fled the war-torn country in January and numbers are expected to pass half a million by the summer as the fighting continues.

In a market at the camp, Charles met World Food Programme co-ordinator Jonathan Campbell who regularly works at the much larger refugee camp in Zaatari.

The Prince said he had heard of the conditions at the camp, which houses over 130,000 people, including fires and tensions between rival groups.

Charles told him: "We've heard there are over a hundred thousand in the camp and there have been fires. It's a horror isn't it? Are they traumatised?"

The Prince and Duchess also met shop worker Ali Hassan, 41, and heard about a voucher programme where refugees each receive a certain amount of money per month to spend on food and basic provisions.

Unicef representative Dominique Isabelle Hyde was with Charles and Camilla in the camp and said: "I told them that 1,600 people crossed the border last night and by the end of the year we could have 1.3 million refugees from Syria.

Prince charles, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, Jordan, refugees, Syrian civil warThe couple drank local tea during a visit to ancient Roman ruins of Jaresh in Jordan (PA)

"We have had two years of this crisis and without people of their stature coming here people will forget about the bleak picture of what is going on."

During their visit, the Prince and the Duchess met half a dozen women who were making crafts and knitting goods, which they sell to raise funds for the refugees.

Camilla immediately gave the ladies a thumbs up, prompting them to laugh and smile. Through a translator, she asked "Have you always knitted?" and one woman told her that she had been in the camp with her children for seven months, another for a year and a half.

Afterwards the Duchess said: "Some of their stories are so harrowing but what I find so remarkable is their strength of spirit and the way they are so cheerful despite their circumstances. "I think that is women for you. They have got their children to look after, they have to survive. But to think that many of them don't even know whether their husbands are alive or dead, it is just awful."

Visiting a nursery at the camp, where children are helped to get over the trauma they have experienced, the Duchess spoke to Noraman, 13, from Mahaja village, and Emira, 12, from Da'el.

Noraman, who has lost her father and two brothers, told the Duchess the girls at her table were drawing their back gardens at home in Syria. She showed her a picture of orange trees and apple trees and said: "This is the garden I remember in my house but I'm not sure it will be there when I get back."

Emira, whose name means princess, said of her father: "I'm not sure if I will see him again. My mother sometimes says he is dead and sometimes says he is in prison."

Prince charles, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, Jordan, refugees, Syrian civil warPrince Charles wore sunglasses while Camilla carried a parasol (PA)


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