Prince William’s colleague killed by avalanche

ONE of Prince William’s RAF colleagues is among three climbers killed by an avalanche, police said yesterday.

By John InghamRichard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Squadron Leader Rimon Than was killed by an avalanche on Thursday Squadron Leader Rimon Than was killed by an avalanche on Thursday

Squadron Leader Rimon Than, 33, was the senior medical officer at RAF Valley, North Wales, where William is serving as a helicopter pilot.

He and a woman, part of a team of six RAF members, died when they were buried in up to 12ft of snow in an avalanche at the Chalamain Gap in the Cairngorms on Thursday.

Only Sqn Ldr Than has so far been named as one of the victims.

A mountain instructor, he was also a member of the Army Mountaineering Association. St James’s Palace said Prince William had been told of Sqn Ldr Than’s death by senior officers at the base last night.

A man on a Glenmore Lodge winter skills course on the other side of the gorge also died in the 400ft wide avalanche.

A helicopter airlifted them to Aberdeen Royal Infirmary where the man and woman were pronounced dead.

Sqn Ldr Than died yesterday, bringing the mountain death toll to nine in less than a month.

Station commander at RAF Valley, Group Captain Adrian Hill, said: “Sqn Ldr Rimon Than was a dedicated officer and doctor.

“He was well respected and will be sorely missed.”

RAF Valley, Prince William, Rimon ThanSqn Ldr Than was the senior medical officer at RAF Valley, where Prince William is stationed

Sqn Ldr Rimon Than was a dedicated officer and doctor. He was well respected and will be sorely missed.

Station commander at RAF Valley, Group Captain Adrian Hill

A man on a Glenmore Lodge winter skills course on the other side of the gorge also died in the 400ft wide avalanche.

A helicopter airlifted them to Aberdeen Royal Infirmary where the man and woman were pronounced dead.

Sqn Ldr Than died yesterday, bringing the mountain death toll to nine in less than a month.

Station commander at RAF Valley, Group Captain Adrian Hill, said: “Sqn Ldr Rimon Than was a dedicated officer and doctor.

“He was well respected and will be sorely missed.”

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