Prince Charles vows to protect historic trees to mark mother's Jubilee

PRINCE Charles has revealed a list of 70 trees and 70 ancient woodland's that will be dedicated to the Queen. to mark her Platinum Jubilee .

By Richard Palmer - Royal Correspondent , Royal Correspondent


Prince Charles plants a tree in the Gardens of Hillsborough Castle for the Queen’s Green Canopy (Image: Getty)

Some were saplings when Britain's 1,200-year-old monarchy was in its infancy, and others have played an important part in our history. The trees and woodland's were selected by a panel of experts.

Charles hopes that by dedicating them to the Queen.'s Green Canopy, an official project encouraging people to plant a tree for the Jubilee, he will create a lasting legacy for his mother's 70-year reign.

The dedicated trees range from the 900-year-old Signing Oak in Windsor Great Park, which is almost as old as the Queen.'s nearby castle, to a black mulberry tree in the London garden where poet John Keats wrote his most famous verse.

Speaking beneath one of the 70 selected ancient trees, the 423-year-old Sycamore at his Dumfries House home in Ayrshire, Charles said: "Trees and woodland's have a profound significance for us all - their steadfast and reassuring presence a reminder of our long-serving sovereign and her enduring dedication.

"Let us ensure that in her name we can now protect and strengthen this living canopy for the next 70 years and, hopefully, way beyond."

Among the nominated woodland's are: The Five Hundred Acre Wood that inspired AA Milne's fictional Hundred Acre Wood in the Winnie-the-Pooh stories, and Black Wood of Rannoch, which has survived since the last Ice Age 10,000 years ago, in Perth and Kinross.

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