Plant a tree to commemorate the victims of the pandemic, Prince Charles prompts

AVENUES of hedgerows and trees could be planted across the country in memory of those whose lives were claimed by coronavirus, Prince Charles has suggested.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince Charles and the Queen planting a tree

Prince Charles and the Queen initiate the planting season for the Queen's Green Canopy (Image: Getty)

The veteran eco warrior, who has laid 15 miles of the living borders himself, said: "Over the past two years of this dreadful pandemic, I have felt that commemorating all those who have so tragically died through planting avenues in their memory in different parts of the country, whether in towns, cities or the countryside, might be worth considering." He also revealed his Duchy of Cornwall estate will plant trees to celebrate son William's 40th birthday next year.

The Duchy, which will pass to the Duke of Cambridge, inset, when Charles becomes King, owns 135,000 acres of land across 23 counties.

It will also mark two other significant anniversaries in 2022 by planting 70 copses each of 70 trees at prominent locations across its land.The thickets will commemorate Charles's 70 years as heir to the throne and Duke of Cornwall, and the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.

Charles, who cultivated his 15 miles of hedgerows at Highgrove and Sandringham, wrote of their importance in Country Life magazine to mark his 73rd birthday this Sunday.

He told readers 100,000 miles of them were lost between 1945 and 1985, in part due to the industrialisation of farming. He said: "Our remaining hedgerows are still the country's single biggest nature reserve, offering important green corridors and an abundance of food and protection for wildlife.

"This is why, despite looking as if I have just come off the field at Agincourt, I continue to wrestle each winter with lethal hawthorn and blackthorn branches." The prince is also urging people "plant a tree for the Jubilee" but warned it had to be done "wisely, to ensure the right tree is in the right place".

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