Princess Margaret: Helena Bonham Carter describes inspiration behind The Crown portrayal

ACTRESS Helena Bonham Carter drew on her family history and her own encounter with Princess Margaret when researching her role as the royal in The Crown.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Princess Margaret

Princess Margaret ‘could behave rudely’ (Image: BBC/Getty Images)

"I wanted to do her justice," she said. "If someone does, as people said, behave rudely, there's always a reason. It usually means that they're unhappy." Helena, 53, told Harper's Bazaar magazine she had a family connection to the Queen's sister. "She was a lifelong friend of my uncle Mark," she said. "He was in the Grenadiers, I think, and he guarded Margaret and Elizabeth at Windsor. I think there was a romance. He was really dashing."

Harper’s Bazaar

Helena Bonham Carter drew on her family history when researching her role as the royal in The Crown (Image: Harper’s Bazaar/Pamela Hanson)

Harper's Bazaar cover

The December issue of Harper's Bazaar is on sale now (Image: Harper’s Bazaar/Pamela Hanson)

She also met the curt Princess, who died in 2002, and was paid a backhanded compliment. Helena said: "Margaret was on her own with a drink and she said, 'Oh, Helena, you are getting better, aren't you, at acting.' Typical Margaret!" The star, who received the British Icon gong at Harper's Bazaar Women of the Year Awards in London last night, is enjoying work. She said: "When I turned 50, I worried it was downhill all the way. But it's the opposite."

Helena was nominated for an Oscar for her role as the Queen Mother in The King's Speech. She has two children with film director Tim Burton. They split in 2014.

The December issue of Harper’s Bazaar is on sale from 30 October

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