Royal Tour: Prince William gives warning to world in climate change plea

THE Duke of Cambridge warned yesterday that the world risks “losing many of the precious things we care about” unless urgent action is taken to combat climate change.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince William discusses climate change during Pakistan visit

He issued a clarion call to politicians and the wider public as he and the Duchess of Cambridge went to the stunning Hindu Kush mountains to highlight global warming threatening the water supply to a quarter of the world’s population. William, on a five-day Pakistan tour with Kate, said the couple hoped to “use our voice and lend our position” to highlight the issue. “The young are starting to get engaged in it,” he said, adding that a “positive conversation” around climate change was required in vulnerable parts of the world. 

He said: “Catherine and I felt it was very important to come to Pakistan and see the different range of environments there are and really try and get a feel of the country. 

“But also to use our voice and lend our position and our visit to kind of talk about issues like climate change, about the environment. 

“We’ve seen all around the world now, the young are getting very engaged. If we take too long about this we will lose many of the precious things we care about.” 

William called for “more education, more awareness, more political action” after he and Kate flew to the picturesque Chitral region in northern Pakistan to see a melting glacier. 

In February a report warned the Hindu Kush Himalaya range, known as the Third Pole because it stores more ice than anywhere outside the Arctic and Antarctic, was facing a bleak future. 

Scientists predicted that a third of the ice cap is doomed to melt by 2100 even if the world takes radical action now. If emissions are not cut, two-thirds will vanish by the start of the next century. 

The melting glaciers threaten disaster for 1.9 billion people who rely on them for water. These include 250 million in the mountain range region and a further 1.65 billion dependent on the 10 great rivers that flow from the peaks into India, China, Pakistan and neighbouring countries. 

William and Kate with Dr Bashir on glacier

William and Kate with Dr Bashir on shrinking glacier (Image: Pool/Samir Hussein)

About 15 percent of the ice has already disappeared since the 1970s. 

A team of 200 scientists who spent five years researching the predicted effects of further ice loss say river flows will speed up until 2060, creating flood risks. 

But then rivers will begin to dry up, causing water shortages and hitting power, farming and industry. 

William and Kate went to the remote Chiatibo Glacier in Broghil National Park, situated in the Chitral District of Pakistan’s Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Province. 

William, who got a degree in geography from St Andrews University, said: “Dr Warren, my geography teacher, would be well impressed that I’m back at a glacier after all these years.” 

And Kate said: “I’ve been very impressed by William’s geography.” 

Dr Furrukh Bashir, a Pakistani meteorologist, told them the glacier was retreating 10 metres a year. 

He said: “These glaciers are telling you that climate change is real.” 

Referring to the royal couple, Dr Bashir said: “They are highly influential people and if we convince them hopefully they will advocate to reverse global warming.” 

William and Kate at celebration in village

William and Kate at celebration in village (Image: Samir Hussein/WireImage)

Kate wore a long taupe-coloured skirt, a dark shirt under a leather vest and knee-high brown boots while William opted for a teal shirt and beige chinos. During a ceremonial welcome at the regional airport they were given a shawl, a cloak and the traditional regimental caps of the Chitral Scouts, part of the Pakistani army. Princess Diana was pictured in a similar cap when she visited the same region in 1991. 

And at Bumburet they met villagers whose community was devastated by floods in 2015. 

They met a woman who was named Diana after her grandmother travelled to Chitral to meet William’s mother on her visit in 1991. 

Kate took photos of the family including Diana’s 14-year-old sister, Liba Qamar, who said: “It’s my dream to meet the Royal Family.” 

Diana, 28, is part of an emergency response team of volunteers, now funded by UK aid, which prevented any loss of life in 2015. 

The couple asked about the flooding and watched a demonstration by a search and rescue team on transporting casualties across a river. 

One of the locals had been wrapped up in bandages for the exercise. Gesturing towards him, William joked: “Good job guys – he pulled the short straw, did he? Hope you get better soon!” 

In the village square the couple watched dancers and Kate, wearing a colourful beaded headband she had been given, told the ladies: “This is my husband William, Prince William. I’m sorry he didn’t dance too!” 

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