Solahütte: The Auschwitz holiday camp for the SS

LESS than 20 miles from Birkenau, officers and guards from the SS used a rural resort modelled on a country club to relax and enjoy themselves.

Picture from resort, 1944AP

A singalong at the little-known SS resort, 1944

Everybody has heard of Auschwitz, the place where the most appalling crimes against humanity were perpetrated: the gas chambers where hundreds of thousands of men, women and children, mostly Jews, were murdered; slave factories where tens of thousands toiled in terrible conditions on starvation rations; daily degradation, casual brutality and torture; and the infamous experiments on children conducted by the equally infamous Dr Josef Mengele.

In our mind’s eye we see a railway line leading under an arch to a concrete ramp beyond where, every day, cattle-cars arrived bearing their human cargo.

Here the SS made their “selections”.

Adults capable of work went to the slave factories, the rest – the elderly and infirm, children and women with young children – were sent to the gas chambers.

But this place – Birkenau – was only one of several camps.

Two other large camps and many smaller ones also fell under the Auschwitz umbrella.

The two large camps were the original camp, on the site of a former Polish army barracks, called the Stammlager and a third camp, called Monowitz, was constructed to house slave workers for the nearby “Buna” factory, built by IG Farben to make synthetic oil and rubber from coal.

Much of our knowledge of Auschwitz comes from the testimony of survivors – invariably harrowing and often very courageous.

But there is one part of the Auschwitz complex about which the accounts of survivors are silent because few prisoners ever saw it.

In the middle of a nearby forest was a little-known resort called Solahütte.

By 1944 about 4,500 SS officers, men and women, were stationed in Auschwitz and its satellites.

Solahütte was a retreat for them, somewhere they could be at their ease, wind down and relax.

This SS country club was largely unknown until 2007 when an album of photographs taken by former SS-Obersturmführer (First Lieutenant) Karl-Friedrich Höcker, adjutant to the Auschwitz Kommandant, SS-Sturmbannführer (Major) Richard Bär, was donated to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

The earliest photograph, in extraordinary detail, shows Höcker with the Kommandant.

It is dated June 21, 1944.

The date is significant – this was when the slaughter of Jews in Auschwitz was at its height.

That summer, fearing that Hungary would surrender to the Russians, the Nazis transported about 400,000 Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz.

Most were sent immediately to the camp’s gas chambers.

Every day thousands were callously murdered; every day thick plumes of smoke rose from the crematoria in an unending black pall.

This is what makes the seemingly carefree photographs in the Höcker album so sinister.

About 18 miles from the Stammlager, Solahütte was built on the side of a hill, surrounded by pine trees, overlooking the river Sola.

Senior Nazis chattingAP

Senior Nazis chatting at the resort camp

It had a pitched roof and a wide veranda, strewn with deck-chairs.

There were also numerous smaller outbuildings, like motel lodges.

It was a haven of tranquillity far removed from the killing frenzy in Birkenau.

With partisans active in the region the SS officers and guards, including women – SS-Aufseherinnen (female supervisors in the women’s camp) – had very few safe options for rest and recreation and they went to Solahütte by the busload.

The peaceful setting of Solahütte where the SS enjoyed perfectly regular leisurely pursuits was at extreme odds with the carnage happening nearby.

This contrast is heightened by the fact that some of the most infamous war criminals in history went there to relax and behaved as if nothing out of the ordinary were happening.

One regular visiter to the camp was SS-Obersturmbannführer (Lieutenant Colonel) Rudolf Höss – the first Kommandant of Auschwitz.

He returned to the camp temporarily to oversee the killing of the Hungarian Jews and the operation was named “Aktion Höss” in his honour.

He chose to unwind in the company of Mengele and Josef Kramer (the Beast of Belsen).

Höss and Kramer were caught and executed after the war.

Mengele famously escaped. In one photograph Mengele, Höss and Kramer are seen joining in a singalong led by an accordian player and joined by Höcker himself, Bär, Otto Moll and Franz Hössler.

Moll was in charge of the Birkenau crematoria and had a reputation for sadism and was personally responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent victims.

Hössler played a similar role.

Both were executed for war crimes in 1945.

Bär died in custody awaiting trial in the 1960s.

But Solahütte was not just for the benefit of the senior male officers.

Every day thousands were callously murdered; every day thick plumes of smoke rose from the crematoria in an unending black pall

SS female auxiliaries also made great use of the facilities frequently appearing to be smiling, happy and cheerful while joining in activities with the men at the camp.

In one light-hearted series of photographs a group of women are shown being given bowls of blueberries, then eating them and finally holding up the empty bowls.

At the lodge SS officers would also gather for lavish dinners accompanied by a great quantity of wine.

This was all in stark contrast to the starvation endured by the inmates just a few miles away.

But whatever atrocities were committed by these people away from the camp, life at Solahütte was resolutely normal.

In summer they relaxed on deckchairs and went hiking or hunting in the surrounding woodlands.

At Christmas they even had a tree decorated with candles.

In other circumstances we might be forgiven for thinking that the existence of Solahütte was evidence of the humanity of the men and women stationed there and their determination to put a brave face on things when the inevitable defeat of Germany was only months away.

But this was Auschwitz and these people knew perfectly well the enormity of what was taking place within the electrified wire that surrounded Birkenau and the other camps.

Their carefree activities in this holiday camp in the forest simply beggar belief.

How could they have spent their time so obviously enjoying themselves when they were complicit in murder on an industrial scale?

Were they sadists or psychopaths?

No, most were unexceptional, unremarkable people from modest backgrounds.

Höss had previously been a farmer and Höcker a bank clerk.

While awaiting trial Höss wrote a personal account of his central role in the Holocaust.

He insisted that despite everything he remained a decent, moral person.

Could he really have believed that?

I find it impossible to understand how or why ordinary people could have acted as they did.

One possible explanation is that they simply closed their eyes to the horrors that surrounded them, it seems to be what Höcker did.

He eventually stood trial for war crimes in the mid-1960s.

He denied all knowledge of the murder of Hungarian Jews in 1944.

This seems incredible given his close association with so many who were directly involved, yet the prosecution was unable to prove it.

He received only a seven-year sentence.

In 1989 he was sentenced to a further four years for his involvement in killings in the Majdanek concentration camp.

Records showed that he had been personally responsible for obtaining Zyklon B for the gas chambers.

He died in 2000, still claiming that he was innocent of any crimes in Auschwitz.

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