Google Maps’ awesome new feature is only available on these few devices

GOOGLE MAPS has included this useful new feature for devices running Android 8.0 Oreo. Here’s how it works.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Google Maps has included a slew of new features, but only for those running Android OreoGETTY • GOOGLE

Google Maps has included a slew of new features, but only for those running Android Oreo

Google has rolled-out picture-in-picture to its hugely-popular navigation software, Google Maps.

The new functionality allows users to continue to follow directions from Google Maps while using another app.

Picture-in-picture is accessed by tapping the Home Button during navigation, which shrinks the full-screen directions to a small square that floats atop the other apps on your device.

Users can then launch a web search, reply to an urgent message, or pause music playback – while keeping an eye on the Google Maps route.

Community Manager Orrin confirmed the useful new feature in a post on the Pixel User Community forums earlier this week.

Unfortunately, picture-in-picture will only be available to devices running the latest version of the Android.

Android 8.0 Oreo, the latest iteration of the mobile operating system, was announced last month and is currently only available on a handful of Google’s own hardware.

The latest Sony smartphones – Xperia XZ1 and Xperia XZ1 Compact – will launch with Oreo. Both devices are available to pre-order now.

Alongside the new picture-in-picture navigation, Google Maps version 9.60 looks set to include a number of other handy new additions, notably the ability for local guides to share video clips, food reviews, and more.

Android Oreo includes a slew of tweaks and minor improvements to the smartphone and tablet operating system.

Google Map Maker lets users add locations to Google Maps

The eighth major software iteration includes notification dots on app icons, picture-in-picture video playback, and autofill to quickly and securely enter passwords and other personal information in website forms.

Oreo will also restrict background apps from draining the battery to help eke more usage from each charge.

Google has completely overhauled its emoji design – ditching the Flubber-like blobs in favour of a round design closer to those seen on the iPhone.

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