Porn BLOCK - Millions could soon be CHARGED £15 to view ANY xxx-rated content online

FANS of adult entertainment could soon be charged to gain access to xxx-rated content online under new legislation.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Adult entertainment could be blocked by default on any new internet-connected deviceGETTY • PICTURES POSED BY MODEL

Adult entertainment could be blocked by default on any new internet-connected device

Lawmakers in more than a dozen US States are considering a bill that would block all pornographic material on any newly purchased computer or mobile phone.

Online adult entertainment would be blocked by default, with device owners forced to pay a one-time $20 fee (roughly £15) on each device to unlock access to xxx-rated content.

Paying the $20 fee would also act as a way for device owners to verify their age.

Supporters of the bill believe porn is a public health problem and that taxing it would help cut down on a range of issues, including sex trafficking.

Dubbed The Human Trafficking Prevention Act, the legislation would require that all newly purchased internet-connected devices ship equipped with a porn filter.

The draft legislation contains some strong words about online pornography STATE OF ARIZONA

The draft legislation contains some strong words about online pornography

The one-off $20 charge would be used to fund groups that tackle human-trafficking, domestic violence, and sexual assault, according to its supporters.

It would also protect children from exposure to sexually explicit materials, lawmakers have said. 

South Carolina, Florida, Georgia and Texas are all currently considering versions of the Human Trafficking Prevention Act.

Arizona lawmakers are expected to introduce the bill month.

Kathleen Winn of the Arizona Anti-Trafficking Network told WFSB: "What we know about pornography is that it's addictive. It actually affects the brain.

"Like any drug, like an addiction, you need more and more and more of it to get the same reaction from it as the first time you saw it.

"So yes, I absolutely believe pornography is contributing to the growing criminal enterprise of sex trafficking."

North Dakota and Wyoming have rejected similar blocking measures.

The covered by Arizona's Human Trafficking Prevention Act.

Pornhub offers reward of $20,000 to have site hacked

Back in 2015, before they were able to access xxx-rated content online.

Any websites that failed to comply with the new legislation would be blocked.

It is understood talks have already begun between Whitehall and the private sector around the scheme.

Under the scheme, pornography websites would offer visitors a choice of identity providers – such as their mobile phone operator or the Department for Work and Pensions  – to confirm if they are over the age of 18.

Online child safety expert Dr Rachel O’Connell said: "Nobody in the UK wants a centralised identity database.

"The way around that is that Royal Mail knows who you are, your mobile operator knows who you are."

Requests for age verification would be anonymised, Dr O’Connell reassured.

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